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A life in books

14991499 views77 comments33 favs

Forget Ulysses, life itself is a stream of consciousness if you ever have time to get out of the stream and take a look at it. And there’s nothing that gets you out of the stream like a short sharp shock.

Candle Smoke Wishes

964964 views22 comments11 fav

“The minute I stopped wondering about the meaning of life is when I finally started enjoying life.”

Cadillacs, Candy Bars and Boogers

734734 views22 comments00 favs

I won't ever forget the image of my father, behind the wheel of the Cadillac he so loved. Even as a ten year old, and more as an adult, I could never figure out why he loved that car as much as he did. I must explain that he was really my step father,…

Shits and Crazies- a Pas de Deux

10541054 views1414 comments55 favs

Anson Chi/ tried to kill my wife

There is a woman

11261126 views88 comments33 favs

There is

Five Million Yen: Chapter 7

11651165 views22 comments11 fav

The logic of the impoverished was amazing. Like Rita telling me I owed her fifty cents for a token after she stole five million yen from me.

Unclear Antecedent (Uncl./Ant.)

831831 views1010 comments22 favs

When I mentioned my visit to the museum during an A.A. meeting, I wanted to know whether the framers of The Big Book had been aware of the Nazi hospital sterilization and “euthanasia” programs.

Magic Jane

46864686 views55 comments33 favs

This is what magic feels like. Excitement. Clarity. Danger. Justice.

Did You Get Two

11501150 views44 comments33 favs

“106 more miles,” she said.

The Ice Scraper Symphony

10461046 views22 comments00 favs

Stay tuned for my next short - Candle Smoke Wishes - COMING SOON ON A MONITOR NEAR YOU!!

The Only Good Thing

7575 views00 comments00 favs

The slick compartments of chilli peppers and spiced corn and onions and mustard were barely visible through the bodies and rings of hair and soft loops of arms, and the thick meaty gassy air and the late summer air pushed the tent in on itself and I felt

Taking a Bath with my iNuke

306306 views1818 comments88 favs

Mickey Mouse mini-nukes are often placed in children's school lunch boxes for cooling sandwiches, though an accidental meltdown could cause the food to become dangerously hot in both senses of the term.

An Exquisite Fall From Grace

831831 views00 comments00 favs

He lay on a wooden pallet, which he had placed inside a cardboard box that might have once held a refrigerator. Except the box was labeled “Robotic Endoscopic Surgery System.” His head was propped on a gym bag that contained all his possessions. Outside, it…

Still More Rock Groups I have Known

649649 views66 comments22 favs

More Rock Groups I Have Known and/or Been In


845845 views00 comments00 favs

Because I was feeling so good, so certain, so ready to move forward, and then all of a sudden, BANG. I was the bad one, the careless menace. Unbelievable. How could my entire position in the universe suddenly shift like that, from one moment to the next? I was here, and…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 6

11581158 views22 comments11 fav

Sure my man. Show me the token I’ll show you the slice.

Sagacious Abridgment

11261126 views99 comments22 favs

A cloudy autumn morning greeted Sean as he stepped from the trolley at Grand Central Station. On his way to the tracks he purchased a copy of The New York Times dated October 24, 1934.

Josh and the Elder

707707 views00 comments00 favs

A cruel reminder of his irrelevance to the world of law, a world he had probably ruled for over 40 years.

picture (im)perfect

847847 views00 comments00 favs


Looking for Comments

10261026 views33 comments22 favs

So do you read my writing?I text youI need to know whatyou like betterThe bloodor the gutsThat's what it is.You see Iput it out therefor you.That's not what it saysbut I know the truth.Am I smart enoughgood enoughdo you think it's crapbecause anyone can like it…


3131 views22 comments11 fav

North of Los Angeles - 210 FreewayWhen Central Dispatch's Gate bot mistakenly set Mongo down in the middle of present day rush hour instead of his cave home in prehistoric Rudy Valley, traffic was, as usual, gridlocked in all directions; a woman in an SUV was on her cell…

Tornado Diary

14671467 views55 comments22 favs

The storm grew in might until it spawned the worst kind of tornado, an F-5 or Finger of God.

Late Eulogy

700700 views77 comments33 favs

We wished it had been murder./ It’s easier to hate for hurtfulness/ One you never knew.

The Blood of Giants

655655 views33 comments11 fav

Everything sensed is a drop of experience in the cosmos. Writing brings on the rain.

Wonderland Or Bust

803803 views00 comments00 favs

Alice sat on the edge, her legs dangling in the void...


887887 views22 comments00 favs

and as in real life, occasionally sneezed on.

Ink on Paper

927927 views00 comments00 favs

Waves like lovers gather and crest, crash into White uncertainty.

Fairy Tale in Dachau

246246 views2323 comments1111 favs

Certainly leftover cyanide-based Zyclon-B pesticide from the gas chamber was used to purge the lawn of weeds, bugs and vermin. Very efficient. No waste. Perfectly recycled.

Butterfly Man

11991199 views1111 comments33 favs

Now it was black line, wall, turn, and black line.