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Tuna Salad In Cat Heaven

608608 views88 comments55 favs

I ate a tuna salad sandwich for lunch.


717717 views99 comments77 favs

I'm writing you this letter played on a cherry flute. I'm sending it along through the poem's cloud of incense. The only delivery system I still hitch up for long distance pitching. I'm writing you a letter you'll probably never read. Never…

The Summer Of My Beautiful Idiocy

615615 views77 comments66 favs

In the summer of '68 my father persuaded me to go visit my grandparents on their farm in North Dakota. I had long hair and dressed like a French symbolist outlaw. Took the train to Minot, spent the night in a hotel (watching Your Cheatin' Heart, movie about Hank…

Neural Tones

659659 views2121 comments1010 favs

--"Look at us," she murmurs. "Tristan and Isolde without the adultery." --"Well, you can't have everything." --"No? I heard otherwise."

Pro and Contra in Sepia Black

614614 views44 comments33 favs

From decade to decade, editorial opinion swings and sways as to whether the fault of volubility resides chiefly with the practitioner or with the lawless company he keeps.

Heart Shaped Charms

518518 views1010 comments1010 favs

He steered to the roadside and answered her question before she could ask.

The Wood Hover (a parody of GM Hopkins)

593593 views55 comments22 favs

My trousers turn when her these eyesights earn is learned in light,Like limn of laugh or limbs hers — do I know her, no? — but gauzy Greyhair ravings greyscale havens of Old Jake whose floozy Wooed, ne'er raised the wood that, pencil-perched, arrests…

On A Carport in Bethlehem

770770 views66 comments55 favs

I can hear soft rain

Friends Love

581581 views44 comments22 favs

She darted out of her shadow, deftly she maneuvers through the tables and chairs and their eyes follow her.

Crack Pot Bear Chili

949949 views1414 comments1313 favs

Hunters took 925 bears in the 2020 season in Vermont

A Coin, Two Coins

707707 views99 comments66 favs

It hangs unspoken in the sadness he pushes through his harmonica, while his hands work the old, beat-up guitar that tries to be a Gibson for his fingertips.

Bearded Lamb

542542 views66 comments33 favs

I was bleeding from the soul It took its toll I fell all the way down in a hole I saw some burning coal I didn’t know where the hell I was Or what went wrong As I sang some unholy song Where I did not belong There was a frozen carcas


809809 views1515 comments88 favs

Effluvium is such a lovely word, so hey surprise it covers rancid butter, vomit, fertile gingko fruit trekked in from the pavement.

The Facts of This Life as Its End Approaches

825825 views1414 comments1010 favs

The knees remind you: you are old,/ and broken, and unlikely to improve

Girl With Glasses And Skinny Fingers

10391039 views1919 comments1111 favs

Girl with glasses and skinny fingers playing with wires

Boats for Rent (Thinking About You)

969969 views88 comments88 favs

We're killing off the elephants. We're killing off the tigers. We're killing off monarch butterflies. We're wrecking the coral reefs. Big sad gorillas don't feel at home in their own homes. And all instead of learning to live in some…

A Cuppa

649649 views88 comments55 favs

David: Glad you made it. It’s been ages since we've had a cuppa.

Die Zwischenwelt: The World as It Is and as It Is Not

705705 views99 comments44 favs

These philosophic notions floated in my head for years and eventually helped inspire my pursuit of basic information in contemporary physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and cosmology when I was not reading or writing fiction or verse.

Lights Out in the Ardennes

719719 views1010 comments88 favs

Once with the lights flickering....

Self Inventory

773773 views2323 comments1414 favs

Life, like a kite string, is slipping out of your hands


684684 views1212 comments99 favs

The murder of two teens late one humid night on a tiny rural Virginia island brings a dark, malignant mystery edging into the village known as Leicester Court House.

Trick Horse

634634 views66 comments33 favs

The trick rider arches

Alliterative at best

541541 views1010 comments44 favs

Jeff was unlucky.His first wife had been killed by his stalker a few years ago. When he first explained it to me, I had felt incredulous. Then I felt somewhat guilty for wondering who on earth would have been inspired to stalk him. The dead wife thing made me feel even…


664664 views66 comments22 favs

Somewhere in the tenth dimension


886886 views2727 comments1111 favs

koalas burning

French Trains

612612 views44 comments66 favs

When I sit in the front-facing seat beside him, I feel him flinch a little and stiffen, not from fear but from aggression.

The Men's Chair In the Women's Shoe Department

515515 views66 comments44 favs

We were going shopping, and they put me in the women’s shoe department at Macy’s so I would really have something to write about, and maybe you can imagine what happened. Well, this one woman sits down right in the chair next to me, which I thought a

The Ex Flies

562562 views55 comments33 favs

"My ex Maxine claimed red wine was the healthy alcohol choice. When we were married and I still had money she drank the expensive stuff, as if drinking Chateau Montrose 2005 instead of two buck chuck made her any less of a wino. She would have been better

A Tribute To “Tornado At The Club,” From Evan S. Connell’s MRS. BRIDGE

603603 views33 comments22 favs

I’d been listening to the radio. Tornado watch! Heading this way! 75 miles per hour! I don’t like to alarm the guests; a false alarm to these people could cost my job, but so could ignoring real danger.

I Take Out The Garbage

738738 views1515 comments99 favs

I Take Out The Garbage