Bleeding quietly
Behind the cantina
Behind rows and miles
Of color and sight
and sound
Bleeding quietly
The sun slowly sinking
The dogs lick my greasy fingers
and Ants dance across the ground
Bleeding quietly
A pale moon slowly rises
a door shuts closed
and a candle is blown out
Bleeding quietly alone in the Dark
Bleeding quietly
The river glistens with sound
Through the canals of my ears
I follow a golden route for miles
And meet a sudden ocean in my heart.
Bleeding quietly
I surrender to an ancient envelope
A pact of secret silence
I await deliverance
To the final flickering star
Gotta love a noir mystery with a catchy refrain.
"meet a sudden ocean in my heart"
Yes! Yes! Yes!
"I surrender to an ancient envelope "
Got me. *
Enjoyed the read. Strong closing. Good piece.