by Bill Yarrow
"A rose is a rose is a rose," wrote Gertrude
Stein. I prefer Wanda LaFrond's version:
"Eròs is eròs is eròs," she said, sitting next to me
in the dark patisserie where we were listening
to a torch singer light the gloom of our recent
divorces. My divorce was two months older
than hers, but we were both still in the infancy
of our dissolutions, the infected flecks of sour
love still visible on both of our chins. "Who's
your favorite poet?" I ask her during the lull.
I'm into the vegan poet To Fu, she says. What
about you? I reply, "I'm heavily invested in
Tao Jones, the Wall Street poet." She tries to smile.
What do you most regret? "Regret? About Hora?
Not being kinder to her, I guess." She quotes
Dr. Johnson to me: Kindness is in our power;
fondness is not. "That pretty much sums it up,"
I moan. She puts her hidden arms around me
and I reciprocate, afraid of appearing rude.
Look at us, she murmurs. Tristan and Isolde
without the adultery. "Well, you can't have
everything." No? she replies. I heard otherwise.
Then frozen dawn waltzed into the bakery, and,
against all good sense, I arose and arose and arose.
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This poem was published in Issue 5 of Nixes Mate Review.
This poem appears in Accelerant (Nixes Mate Books 2019).
Thomas Hardy has a poem I like very much called "Neutral Tones." My poem plays on his title.
Hoping to avoid insult and be a typical champion of love, this poem, which I love, reminds me of my pretentiousness of judgement, the purity of love, the comedy of oblivious error, and the fact that the love of nature which it possesses always overpowers.
Rising to the occasion! Those hussies--can't live with 'em, can't...oh, you know the rest.
One of those pieces I could keep reading for as long as it continued. I love the Johnson quote you put in there, that resonates. Great writing, Bill throughout *
Thanks, Ivan, Matt, and Fos!
You are now my favorite poet/comic "... the infected flecks of sour
love still visible on both of our chins." Hahaha!To Fu indeed.
Thanks, Joani!
Way cool.
Thank you, Beate and Amantine!
Such interesting choices. Like brushstrokes and colors. Uninique and bright.
Thanks, Darryl!
A solid poem, a piece of work, that invites many reads for discovery. *
Hi, Ann! Thank you!
I like this Bill. Especially the last line.
Thank you, Eamon!
Love this. Made me smile and smile and....
("Frozen dawn" is so nice!)
“ infancy of our dissolutions,” Nice.
Thank you, Dianne and Steve!
I laughed at the same time as a sob started to form. Only the best poets can do that. *
Thank you, Gita! Thank you, James!