917 8 7
In its own defense
against what is too concrete
the mind allows a magical thought--
1372 13 7
Here’s how you do it. First you get a ladder, a long one.
1597 20 13
You died from a bad heart.
1356 10 8
The next time I see you, I’m going to pretend you’re a stranger, and that I’m meeting you for the first time.
1290 5 6
In Your Absence the yard-cat, Flower, has started sleeping on top of the fridge
1135 3 4
If she does not get to him in time, / all is lost.
1090 2 2
a disease/ like junk-sickness/ like a jealous lover/ who discovers competition/ and meets it with a blade/ in your heart,/ not hers.
1020 10 8
toe and hand-/
holds against/
the shear cliff
1015 6 5
we were all meant to do with our love? What I can think of is to ask the question again. I suppose there are others more willing to supply you with a proper answer, but none seem real to me. These words are only stones,meant to skip across the…
1098 1 2
If it weren't for the different lengths of dock, I would think the river just goes past me. Maybe it does, and the banks move too. Orderly where the clouds are random. I have cormorants, passengers, and salmon. They catch each other. They make my crew money. When did my…
1136 6 2
All I wanted to do was lay in his smell, I had missed him and didn’t know it before now. He got up to urinate at one point and his absence was obscene to me.
965 2 1
“You just missed that last time,” the carney was saying as Sue Ellen walked up. “Give it one more try and I’ll bet you get your girl a big teddy bear. C’mon.”
1104 3 5
Does God feel the same way /
whenever you practice your indifference toward me
915 2 2
1409 7 7
They stand together in the doorway looking at the crib.
947 7 0
Who better to know the wiles of the fox than the vixen herself?
1103 10 9
...clash of gulls
wend upwards, disappearing into grey
night's high tide recedes
1154 10 9
At five o’clock Jake joins the crowd at the back door, walks through the slush to the parking lot with Betty Boop.
1329 20 15
Falling Water almost fell./
12 million dollars later//
it will splay itself a little longer
2131 21 14
The last time she wore fur-lined gloves...
1042 6 5
He doesn't call, not even on her birthday. She doesn't mention it or complain. She knows she doesn't have it as bad as some, even in this privileged Triangle of North Carolina. She is white and pretty and belongs to what's left of the middle…
983 3 3
Once I get through this I'm going to start: daily yoga stretches; walking the dog all the way to the waterfall every morning; tossing out, unread, Saturday's ads so I don't think about going into Walmart to buy Stack-A-Shelves (assembly required). Hey, even…
900 1 0
I had coffee with one of my characters today. It did not go well. I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong.
1187 0 0
Since when has it become a crime to walk about a neighbourhood? No one will ever convince me that it 's okay to follow, harass, or approach any unarmed person with a gun and shoot them.
1081 5 5
Some nights I want to take my father’s glock / and build my skull a sunroof.
1088 0 0
Today is the last day of the semester. It also marks the end of my tenth year as what is referred to as an adjunct, an appendage, a necessary but unidentifiable tentacle in the College of Architecture at Andreas Tangen University in Los Angeles.
1225 2 2
He was just walking along, making sure that no white, Hispanic, Native American or Asian people were doing anything illegal when he noticed the young black man walking down the street.
He hadn't meant to.
1457 8 6
the/ orange/ tastes/ welcome
1178 12 8
the two become one where/
all things end,
1000 4 3
I saw you hold her as if you were copy writing a ball of yarn