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10811081 views11 comment22 favs

You gave me everything, delivered with a hungry mouth. Tease.All taken away, erasedby a few words.Lips that poured forth and lips that took insharp, electric pleasures.Now withdrawn, thin, petulant.Not satisfied,you crushed my sanctuary.with so…

The Dream Shop

11661166 views55 comments55 favs

From nine at night until five in the morningthe mannequins staff the Dream Shop.Customers sleepwalk in and murmur their enquiries.Some of the patrons are very demanding.They queue outside before opening…

Literary Intercourse

973973 views55 comments55 favs

Meaning is harder to sell, unless it’s an analysis of why there is a Justin Bieber.”

Snowflake 632565000012

900900 views33 comments33 favs

YES, YES, Dismiss.

Twin Lakes of Whiskey

11271127 views77 comments44 favs

not that we ever had before


13131313 views99 comments1212 favs

Control and decorum. Manners. Practice such to protect yourself and others.


13891389 views1616 comments1313 favs

If this was the day when the bribes of whiskey and US dollars would fail to work. If on this day a black bag, smelling of shit and fear, would be pulled over his head – the bloodied roots of a knocked out tooth tickling his neck.


17941794 views2929 comments2323 favs

*** Winner of the 15th Glass Woman Prize. Thank you, Beate Sigriddaughter.

Imagining the Reading as Effacement

10001000 views88 comments66 favs

What the spaces say// can be heard in the short/ and longer silences

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.4 - c.2

988988 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Emi followed Nina through a path away from the shrine grounds. It was narrow, but the plants did not interfere with their progress. Flowers showed signs of wilting, unable to handle the cold slowly coming in.

Grace for Mao

15601560 views2626 comments1313 favs

I greatly enjoyed imagining each wonton was one of my personal enemies and then biting it in half and pretending I could hear it screaming piteously as I chuckled and dragged out the chewing.

War & Peace

10661066 views1111 comments1010 favs

In the morning the fog boils up from the ground as I pad down the steps to the lake in bare feet. I stand at the edge of the water naked as a newborn.

Wuthering Heights: 21st C Remix (Anti-love version)

13421342 views99 comments66 favs

That Bronte woman had me painted like Eminem’s Stan Or a droog from Kubrick


11931193 views1111 comments77 favs

No bustling inside No extruded amber Wings onyx straight jackets A low hum of displeasure.


14151415 views44 comments22 favs

I nicked this from a 12-year-old famine victim living under a bridge in Disneyland.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 62

762762 views22 comments00 favs

She was wearing a robe, but her hip movement sent an ancient message.

Leg and Leg and Another Leg

11051105 views66 comments55 favs

The robot may be grabbing onto something so big I'm mistaking it for the countryside, or the sunset. I could just be one cog in an infinite chain of leg-attachment, stretching from the cosmos to the sub-atomic.


14511451 views1717 comments1313 favs

about killing

Valentine for a Homely Couple

11571157 views44 comments33 favs

It's none of my business, where Carl puts his prick. But I know one thing; Them Bohunk women go to pot quick.

Cancer Always Calls Collect -- Part 23 --- Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

947947 views44 comments33 favs

In the end nothing could bring him back because I tried. All those weeks and months, yet all I have left are the tears and memories. He said when he asked the final questions to those in charge he was confused.

The Fine Madness

937937 views77 comments66 favs

A phrase, a sentence, a stanza,/ sounds among the sums and lists/ and starts a scratched cascade/ of syllables and other approximations--

Instructions Found in an Empty Can of Coffee

907907 views1212 comments77 favs

If you find a lone, sad honeybee, buy a Habitrail cage and make it your new pet.

Vanity Among Pigeons

811811 views33 comments22 favs

About four in the afternoon a pigeon began admiring itself in the shiny panel of a car door until another pigeon came along and it quit acting foolish.

Give Back the Moon

959959 views1010 comments77 favs

to us! Without it we are less than human and cannot guarantee your safe passage through our woods any more. Give us back the moon. It is the primary element in the makeup of our deepest breaths taken to invoke all cycles to continue. It contains…

The Crossing

13631363 views1515 comments1111 favs

There was nothing to do but dream ourselves forward. Nothing to do but not die.


11291129 views88 comments66 favs

Said do you feel it when you touch me?

The mannequins are only playing dead

11021102 views33 comments55 favs

at nightthe mannequins leave their glass prisons and hunt owls in the forest***sometimes they dance a slo-mo tarantella in a clearingbone-white …

Toweka: The Vanishing Elephant

11621162 views33 comments22 favs

The elephant kept popping in and out of the savannah--which is to say, in and out of existence. It was an African bush elephant, which made this trick even more impressive.


987987 views55 comments33 favs

I build pedestals.It's hard workHeld together by sweat, love, and lofty thoughts - an unsound foundation.The tiniest bit of heartbreak,and it comes crashing down. Always, I blame the builder and not the vandal. The next one will be…


15821582 views77 comments88 favs

for a handful of weeks/ my father took me to/ the college of art and design/ downtown/ where i took drawing lessons./