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When You Love Someone

621621 views66 comments66 favs

you set the world in motion. When you lovesomeone you reset everything to glow. When you love someone you forgive the world. Everything is possible. When you love someone it is time to go on home. When you love someone you're reborn as someone else…

More news, another fugue...

563563 views55 comments55 favs

...he'd made a regrettable deal for Monkeydick long long ago, and the pain was deep, and it never went away.

Love, your daughter

590590 views1010 comments77 favs

You gave me all of the power, and none of the power.

nestled in swirling chaos; pineal pinecone

545545 views55 comments44 favs

Both my Nana and my mother have blond hair…as a child I thought most women of European descent tended towards this color, this particular hue of straw, and threads of gold woven together. I had been somewhere as a nine year old, I…

A Tangled Web of Likes

570570 views22 comments00 favs

Liking up with the Joneses...

Things You Probably Should Know About New York City

803803 views99 comments77 favs

It is a misdemeanor to fart in NYC churches. In 1857, toilet paper was invented by a man living in NYC. No one knows how long it took for the idea to fan out from there. God only knows why it took so long, or why NYC was at the epicenter of it all

The Collector Of Twilights

493493 views33 comments33 favs

I like to collect twilights. I fold them carefully and put them in my wallet. They fit neatly between the dollar bills that have a weird tendency to curl. This bugs me. I don't know why they do that. Something to do with the design of the wallet. But the twilights fit…

durations of flamenco

572572 views77 comments55 favs

thus is life conjured with music: human life / with human music human souls human earth, / hot souls the cherished fruit of the hot earth beneath.

The Road a Scripture

549549 views55 comments55 favs

Granny says Jesus works quiet and curious but mama leaving with the UPS man weren’t no great mystery.


630630 views77 comments55 favs

All the lights of Rekyjavik...

An after-image, a ghost

425425 views33 comments22 favs

It was also witnessing the emergence into explicitness and clarity of everyone's expendability.

The Mud Slicks at Low Tide

587587 views77 comments44 favs

The mud slicks at low tide were a mood.Thick gobs that smelled of fish, sulfur and claysalt and wild seaweed like fungusmoldy like left out fruityet it drew her closerto the shorelinecloser to feelingit between her toesthick, squirtsas her feet liftedlike a suction cupand…

Missing Bananas

515515 views55 comments55 favs

He's no fruit lover.

Remaking Your Dreams Come True

657657 views55 comments22 favs

Reincarnation. Not a bad deal, especially for cows. For the rest of us, it is like being in a witness protection program. And all without the risk of having those against whom you bore witness coming after you. Usually.

Stone Soup

630630 views88 comments66 favs

When I asked her about her husband, she laughed.

end of january

577577 views66 comments33 favs

c'mon honey let's go get stoned the night is falling where did you say we were going?

God, the Father

593593 views66 comments55 favs

I was right to fear the God of my father He is a monster.

I Think You Know That

627627 views44 comments33 favs

you've swallowed a whale bone and not a whole chicken. It's not about being surrounded by very nice stuff. We always thought there was much, much more than haunted walls inside cold castles. People connect the dots like collecting stamps. Things get…


572572 views22 comments22 favs

Hygga was on the French news tonight. Hygga is big in France. And Scandinavia, of course. I'd never heard of it. Hygga comes from a Danish word meaning “to give courage, comfort, joy.” It stems from hyggia, which means to think in Old Norse, and is related to…

A Journal of the Plague Year: Day 289: Valedictory for a Clown

605605 views1414 comments66 favs

the end of this journal

Wrong Number

456456 views33 comments11 fav

He tilted his head at his monitor and exhaled “No.” Minutes later, he tilted his head the other way and more sharply exclaimed “No!” Then he began over the next quarter hour simply to stare at the data stream before him, which left him speechless.


581581 views66 comments66 favs

His hands are old But still function As hands

Short Blonde, Long Red

460460 views22 comments22 favs

Natalie blushed the vodka with an almost pointless twist of the fruit juice as I fought in my inside jacket pocket for my wallet...


725725 views1919 comments99 favs

it is said to make your manliness last forever

Art and Artifacts

470470 views44 comments33 favs

In the morning after a cup of black coffee, she decided she was hungry and opted for the leftover egg roll and dumplings from the previous night. She looks for the chopsticks sticking out with the rest of the utensils and picks up the last of the dumplings and places it…

Sisyphus takes the day off

635635 views55 comments55 favs

what-ta-hell, fuck this he snorts brushing the dust from his shoulders

More About Nils Whose Real Name is Georges

10281028 views1414 comments1010 favs

I think he viewed Communion as an act of hygiene that allowed him to go on being fiery and self-determined.

No More Ideas

610610 views22 comments11 fav

And then, one fateful day, the world ran out of ideas. The last one was gone, floating away like a balloon full of the helium we had already squandered.

The TV

559559 views66 comments00 favs

The absence sits on the window sillIt looks like the tree growing in front of itlimbs long and crookedwretched clocktime passes like torn silkShe sits at the mirror looking past thingsHer TV blasts the newsconfront the questionCovid -19 The vaccinationTrump is…

decades since minutes with moments to

462462 views33 comments22 favs

the drive-ins now are dead and gone / where once we laught through splatter films: / our screens too small, our horrors do not fit— / no monumental screens are left, / no close-ups show us what we think we fear.