I am heroically contrary. But you know that. You know that because I tell you as much. Day in day out I tell you as much. Telling you about my heroic contrariness is what I do. Well that and I point out how the lapdogs of the liberal consensus want to silence me. Yet here I am, defying away.
Let me tell you once again about my heroic contrariness which is why they want to de-platform me, to silence me. When they try to silence me, I ignore them. Then I laugh the laugh of heroes.
But they keep coming. The running dog lackies of the liberal consensus police the border endlessly. They say: Hey you, Ace Reporter, threat to my paycheck, just shut up. They say: Hey you, Heroic Contrarian who is so very interesting, stop talking.
First I scoff, then I am scathing. I say: Here's a jab of painfully accurate insights and there's an upper cut of tart sentences. I say: This is yet another rhetorical serious body blow. Take that! And that! God, how I smite them.
I'd like to inform you once again of my Heroic Contrarian self and assure you that the contrarian-ness that inspires me to stand up to liberal pieties will continue to do so for as long as there are liberal pieties & myself standing up to them.
I do this for you, all of you, out there in your respective chairs.
Liberals, I would like to once again point out again that all of you have been wrong about everything since whatever we're talking about began. Only I had it right. Me, the Ace-est of Reporters, I nailed whatever it is & you did not. Bow before me. Kiss the ring on your way down.
Thursday is a good day to remind you of my Ace Reporting and how it cuts through all the ideologically-motivated liberal cant to forcefully point out that, whatever it is, Russia didn't do it. It is impossible for Russia to have done whatever it is. But it is, by the same token, inevitable that the US did whatever it is because that is what the US does when it all the time destroys everything everywhere.
You need Ace Reporters like me who know that is the way of things. You rely on Ace Reporters to cut through the abstractions floated by the corporate media & hip you to the Real. You expect Ace Reporters like me to use words like "regime change" and "neocon". You have no patience with those plodding stooges of the neoliberal status quo with their prissy reliance on "research" and their “interest” in "what is going on." You just want to know the good guys, the bad guys and how to tell them apart.
Here's the secret to being an Ace Reporter like me:
1. Have a line and stick to it.
2. Say everything with certainty.
If you do those two things, the others, in their confusion, will be drawn to you. But their confusion is just a facade. They're really looking for an authoritative voice so they can submit to it---& there's internet fame and maybe some dough to be had from obliging them.
In their spite and envy, the running-dog lackies of the US imperialist war machine say: Ace Reporters like you lack journalistic integrity.
But they're just patronizing elitists.
Ace Reporters like me spring up from among The People. I am of the popular classes. I know what they want, and that is why I can give them that thing: a voice that speaks clearly and with certainty to which they can submit. Someone who knows the good guys, the bad guys, and how to tell them apart.
The People have got a lot going on in their lives these days and, besides, whatever it is, it is probably happening far away, in a place that no-one cares about. They don't have time for "facts." They just want to be on the right side. They want to feel virtuous. And who among us doesn't want to feel virtuous?
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Lately Glenn Greenwald et al have been even more annoying than usual, which prompted me to start reprocessing some of their internet posturings. Then I pasted up the results in a row & cut & rearranged until I got to this, which I thought funny & maybe you will too.
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This sucks. I say this because the arbiters of quality here evidently have deemed it so, and I dare not speak against their thundering silence. And if I remember correctly Greenwald helped leak some valuable political secrets sometime back, and I'm all for such leagage and the leakers who do the leaking. But I'm faving this because I'm trying to establish a name here as the resident asshole.
Thanks for the read & comment. If anything, my patience for the red-brown set has decreased since I wrote this. Which means it's probably good I made this earlier, when I was more cheery on the subject.
If it felt good getting it out...that was Mailer's test, as I recall.
I think it might have been that liberals are the object of Ace Reporter's contrariness that put people off. Ace despises liberal centrists so much that he doesn't see himself drifting into Trump-space. Greenwald isn't much more self-aware by all appearances.
I don't follow Greenwald. I, too, despise liberal centrists, because their meek passivity comforts oligarchists. But railing against them seems rather a waste of energy. Much prefer cheering and abetting AOC as she tears new assholes in those who would oppress us.
We, here, in this apartment, except for Cornelius, who is an orange cat, see a similar problem with the so-called "anti-imperialist left" who are so fixated on an inverted neocon worldview in which the US monopolizes political agency in the world but (the inversion) can only exercise it for evil purposes that they end up as apologists for the Assad regime in Syria and/or Russia....here's a recent open letter on the subject:
Ideology from anywhere in the spectrum bores the shit out of me--works better than prunes. Too narrowly cognitive to be helpful to our multifarious species. Approaching fundamental problems without the uniforms and robotic bureaucracies seems the best way to get by. If it takes someone with the balls of AOC to shoot down the stuffed apologists for obscene wealth I'm for that. Start with nonprofit insurance, universal health care, fair taxation, livable wages, climate control--the usual stuff that without we'll all be going down the toilet sooner than later. Idealists, or ideologists or whatever they wish to be called can take their flags and manifestos and get the hell out of the way. They've had their chance, but they overlooked the inherent danger of unchecked power. Ain't that right, Mao?
Nicely put together. Fine job.
Read it. You've got quite a conversation going, and I like that.