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A Measure of How Far Behind We Are + Anecdotes from Recent Rambles

670670 views1010 comments55 favs

[T]he Thwaites Glacier . . . still exists as of August 2021, though probably with at least five hundred and twenty fewer gigatons of ice mass than in August 2011.

I'm Going Either Way

421421 views33 comments33 favs

Will you join me kneeling in a Homegoods parking lot

Second Thoughts

605605 views1010 comments99 favs

I caught sight of him standing near the nails.

Forever and a Day

586586 views22 comments11 fav

Just an abnormal visit to the post office.

The Next Best Thing to Dying

591591 views22 comments22 favs

Later, my daughter told me that she hadn't been scared because as I lay on the ground unconscious I continued to laugh, gradually relaxing into a big smile as I came around a minute later.


589589 views1515 comments77 favs

In one of the cartoons I watched as a child, Popeye the Sailor gives Olive Oyl a bouquet of flowers. She is thrilled, he walks on air, thinking they will marry. His one-eyed heroism is soon challenged by Bluto however, who pours cement into Popeye's bath. It goes…


549549 views33 comments33 favs

“What the hell was that? Is that your take on The Deer Hunter?”

Bohemian Grove

829829 views00 comments00 favs

“Why, that's the faggotiest thing I've ever heard of!” Richard M. Nixon actually said. But how could he say that? Henry went there. …


462462 views44 comments22 favs

Imagine this: One day you are walking down the street (wearing your protective mask, of course, the cloth one you bought the other day because you liked the color and design) when, by chance, you happen upon a strange sight.

obituary unsolicited

501501 views66 comments55 favs

po-mo parchments piled high deep: / credentials earnest transcripts earned / coursework scholarships helpt buy.

The writer as pugilist - one more time

451451 views99 comments77 favs

I'm cool. You're not. Attitude is everything in life.

FRAT JERK (1960s)

438438 views44 comments44 favs

I threw my cards on the table. The jerk was playing his classical records again. I could hear that lousy music a mile away and he was the kind of kid that makes your skin crawl. But he had a CD sound system and it was up loud this time so that the house

Lemon Citron

616616 views66 comments66 favs

Here it comes at long last. We just can't do it like that again. We don't have the same time. But something's wanting something more to be more than this. Here it comes again. But you bailed on me the last time around. Went silent as a…

In the Dark

618618 views88 comments33 favs

In the dark I rode naked feeling quite exposed...

Trapeze Artist

555555 views1515 comments1313 favs

Solitude is such an excellent alternative to suicide.

Changes Are

558558 views22 comments11 fav

When people drastically change everything about themselves repeatedly, don't they eventually just end up alienating everyone?


506506 views1010 comments44 favs

Hi fellow writersThis is a proposed start of novel.Protagonist is Flor "the urchin"her grandfather, whom she hated when he was alive (and vice versa) is seeing her life from the void, he has died.Please offer any feedback or thoughts you may have, all are appreciated.Here…

Hide and Seek

407407 views44 comments33 favs

In September she had been wise.

Main Street

376376 views11 comment00 favs

You know when you see the flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror that you're not being pulled over because of a busted taillight or carelessly doing fifty in a thirty-five mile an hour school zone; your crime is being a Black man behind the wheel. It happens often…

(give me a real moment with a living god and I’ll go all the way)

440440 views1010 comments55 favs

I remember, when I was selling real estate, how you could always tell when there'd been a divorce. One room was conspicuously left emptied of its contents, and these rooms were never swept or tidied. Instead they were left just as they were when the par

Rose Hill

605605 views1515 comments88 favs

angels and lambs drunkards and whores

George H.W. Bush

842842 views00 comments00 favs

George H.W. Bush took his cock out and began stroking it. “The Reverend Sun Myung-Moon, of course, is a good friend, and the Washington Times[1] is an independent source.” He…


438438 views44 comments44 favs

BelizeIn Belize there is muddy water. Rivers turned brown from the silt and clay of the soil. Water that looks like chocolate milk but the kind of chocolate milk that came in a box like a juice box and not a carton. That type of chocolate milk.Belize comes from an old…

Among the Missing: Family and War

512512 views77 comments44 favs

As Sebald says, I grew up in the shadow of war....

what time is it really is it?

762762 views88 comments77 favs

. . . the roar of fire speaks lasting heat . . . .

My Life on Discord

831831 views99 comments77 favs

I’m on Discord but I don’t know how to do anything.

Old Man in the Tub with MacGyver

649649 views88 comments66 favs

One final herculean strain, if it didn’t kill him might get him at least to his knees.

Paper Thin

700700 views88 comments55 favs

She slipspaper thinshe ripspaper thin


595595 views11 comment11 fav

I will try

Gather Round

656656 views44 comments22 favs

When they first brought me home, I was their pride and joy. Then, one day, they put me in this wooden box.