I had a dream about someone I know,
which is often the case,
she was crying,
and she rarely does
She let down her walls and
I walked right in and saw,
the depths of her tears,
there wasn't a shallow end,
to be seen
I waded gently through
her sorrow and pain,
in a way nobody was ever
Through feeling her life story,
I understood mine, more,
I felt like an empty vessel,
deprived of many secrets,
of my own
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81 words
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This is a poem about our differences in expressing emotion.
The last stanza is favorite. Nice close.
my favorite, I meant
Thanks, Dianne!
the accumulative flood of tears and the way the image is extended to empathy as a kind of wading into someone else's pain gives your poem emotional developement and aesthetic coherence that approaches the ideal of poetry
"I waded gently through
her sorrow and pain,
in a way nobody was ever
Beautiful in its power.*
"Through feeling her life story,
I understood mine" - Good closing.
Enjoyed the read. *
Full of feeling. The third stanza in particular *
Gently haunting. *
Thank you, all. I haven't logged into Fictionaut in quite some time. Sorry for the delay. xx