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Jesus Had a Tat

14261426 views88 comments44 favs

Jesus Freaks will go tat head... crowns of thorns for their noggins and so on. Christ had one too...

Syllables of the Dead

14261426 views2727 comments1212 favs

Nothing has changed// except the toys and fashion.

So You Want to Be a Poet

14261426 views1111 comments88 favs

You’re the girl that would sneak out to poetry readings instead of parties, watching fierce semi-bearded men reading their poems from hand-stapled zines.

Sophie's Choice

14261426 views66 comments44 favs

Sophie is a cat. I tell you this upfront so as not to get you all wound up about moral angst, Nazi's or a mother's love.

By this Time of Year on Mars, the Flora is in Bloom

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Eyes so much deeper, that the internal flow could not hope to equal the intensity fired beyond iris, pupil and sclera. So blue, that life could not exist in the fragile shape of his heart, blue veins outlining an ever enlargening circumference…

The Gospel According to Teeny

14261426 views1414 comments1212 favs

Then I heard it -- a sound like an oboe being strangled. Teeny was farting onto the cement stoop through her jeans, a tripple flutter blast.

Cold Feet

14261426 views99 comments55 favs

“…And his smell. That Brett smell. It might become my smell…”

the origin of perfume

14261426 views1010 comments66 favs

I see young girls in their white summer dresses and remember how I was like that, light youth that barely touched the ground. Screwing and unscrewing the lid of a salt shaker (sitting at a table.) Swinging a shoe off the tip of my toes. Rubbing a foot u

Brian, Lisa And The Robinsons

14261426 views33 comments22 favs

Sometimes you're searching for a family and you don't even know it. Sometimes a family finds you.


14261426 views1313 comments1212 favs

She learned the difference between listening and hearing, between looking and seeing.


14261426 views88 comments88 favs

The trouble began in October, when Ava, an embittered receptionist who worked at a small museum housed in a five-story Westside brownstone, discovered that the floors were littered with enormous grey feathers

On West 4th Street

14251425 views1010 comments44 favs

Across from the Hell Hole the Cage on Sixth pulses, sweats, swooshes, hot concussion as players play for keeps.

Mescaline Blues

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This is about a mescaline trip that went wrong. It happened back in the '60s and I know, the '60s have been done quite to death and nobody ever gets the trip right but--you'll like this one. Joey and…

The Energy of Girls

14251425 views1212 comments77 favs

Emma and I were in a shabby part of town with vacant lots and overgrown yards, and I wondered if something would happen as we loped beside Tom, who was slow-witted and 21. We were 13 . . .

Tiny Dancer

14251425 views1616 comments88 favs

This latest married man who lives at a great distance has leeched her energy in that very particular way such men do. Next to him, I am as interesting as long division.


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Where we live, at the edge of the foothills at the east edge of town, fire is always a worry during the summer, and this has been an exceptionally dry year.

Lying to the Boss

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I was having festive sex flashbacks and wasn't thinking sharply.

Emoji Problems

14251425 views66 comments55 favs

Our problems started with a few back and forth texts of emojis late one night. The next evening, a Friday, typically my poker night with the guys, my girlfriend came to the door.“You brought over pizza, how nice,” I said. “And, oh, gosh, look at that, a…


14251425 views22 comments22 favs


Flipping Off People With Romney Bumper Stickers

14251425 views44 comments00 favs

“Hey,” I begin, a naughty smile breaking across my face before I can get to the punchline, “Want to drive around flipping off anyone with a Romney bumper sticker?” Kaleb chuckles and beams at me. It seems everyone likes a good girl turned naughty.

Voronezh. Samara. Tyumen.

14251425 views88 comments55 favs

They have a saying in Russia: Live in Voronezh, work in Samara, die in Tyumen. In honour of Saint Rose, born on the banks of the Voronezh, fed the hungry and the poor of Samara, torn apart by wolves in Tyumen on the exact date that she had herself predict

Snake and Duck

14251425 views11 comment00 favs

Gloomy night slippery as snake and duck.


14251425 views44 comments55 favs

PORNOGRAPHY First He went across the floor to where she sat. One sleeve of her shirt dropped to show her shoulder, salted and brown. One hundred fish filled the wave. Now, he said. Now is now. Second The car wouldn't…


14251425 views99 comments77 favs

I am the marigold wheel no one can understand, the menace your grandfather warned you about. Yes, yes, that last phrase was overkill...

The Yellow Butterfly

14251425 views44 comments00 favs

Let whoever may read this know: I am an evil man, and I have done evil things.

1945, What I wanted

14251425 views1818 comments99 favs

In my innocence and young mind, I thought that kiss would mean that someday we would get married

I'm Dying! And I Didn't Make The Bed!

14251425 views1111 comments99 favs

Five years ago, on January 15, 2009, Flight 1549 took off for Charlotte, North Carolina and, 3 minutes later, made an emergency landing in the Hudson River, with no serious harm to anyone but the geese who caused the problem. (They were liquefied into something…


14241424 views66 comments33 favs

She shoved a small bottle under her aprons and came towards me, darkening the passageway from “Ancestor” by Thomas Kinsella The night I heard the Banshee she passed away. In my screaming fear dada and mama woke. …

The bridge

14241424 views1919 comments1515 favs

as long as you have some snacks up there I can be brave

If Wishes Were Horses Beggars Would Ride

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Two people are talking. They are both wearing hats.