To My Students, After Paris

by Emily Sparkles

I will not tell you that your anger is wrong, child.
But I pray you will use it righteously;
as fuel for finding peace 
instead of revenge.

I will not tell you that your fear is wrong, child.
But I pray you will use it productively;
to speak it into the light
and thereby disarm it.

I will not tell you that both at once is wrong, child.
But I pray you will not act out of that place;
that you will search options,
and their consequences, first.

I will not even tell you that disinterest is wrong, child.
But I pray that as you grow,
you discover what it means to have empathy,
and true compassion.

This is not your problem to solve, child.
But you are welcome to join our journey, 
to join our conversations,
and our grief. 
