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15371537 views1111 comments1010 favs

It was when the party hit a lull and a woman wearing too much rouge was going on about her parakeets that Tom decided to set down his bourbon glass and pull out his gun.

Free Space

15371537 views1010 comments99 favs

The winner was some kid from Ohio or Oklahoma -- one of those states that begins with an "O" and ends with a yawn.

(There Are Ways) to Come Home

15371537 views1515 comments88 favs

When you return home, one year to the day that you left us, you will wonder if you can do it all over again.

Dry Rot

15371537 views00 comments00 favs

Sometimes Seattle's the next thing to heaven. The sky's diamond blue, the sun's a caress; your whole soul can breathe. You know what the shouting's about. But the sun quickly fades to Protestant gray and the gray last a long…

From The Doctor, With Love

15371537 views99 comments33 favs

I love how you touch me, your hands warm on my shape...

The Marriott Hotel, Downtown Brooklyn

15371537 views77 comments44 favs

There was a time when she could quell the loathing that Fred inspired in her. She could force it down. Back then, for instance, when they’d been in counseling, the ball of hatred had only been a little, overripe orange - squishy and occasionally mushed


15361536 views2020 comments1313 favs

A tiny story, 55 words, just enough to fit on a . . .

3 Good Hubcaps - song

15361536 views1212 comments88 favs

I got 3 good hubcaps That oughta be enough You can take away my house You can take away my stuff Just leave it on the curbside With my beat-up Cadillac Got my 3 good hubcaps I ain’t never coming back

Birds Fly(a chapbook of seven+ poems)

15361536 views99 comments88 favs

Birds FlySeven Poemsby Darryl Pricefor Charlotte and Mel, as always"We should insist on joy in spite of everything."--Tom Robbins“I don't need your love. I don't need you to understand. I just need you to listen.”—Perfume Genius1. I Want to Sing to…

Dear Joe,

15361536 views88 comments77 favs

Walk alone at night, quietly. Pause for eye contact with raccoons and night cats, your drunk self, and lights in the graveyard. Don't apologize for it in the morning. Instead of the shame you feel for one time acting selfishly and chasing a future, say…

Infinite Penis

15361536 views44 comments22 favs

He finds a beach ball and recreates humanity upon it. Kicking it down the shore he wonders how the little people must feel about each other. To place them on such a tiny globe almost seems unfair.

Life of the Writer

15361536 views1212 comments77 favs

I am a romantic writer, true. But what comes after the romance is what fascinates me. A lover dying is the most beautiful scene I want to write. The most beautiful scene I have yet to write.

The Wonders of Wonder

15361536 views77 comments77 favs

There it was, square in the middle of someone’s lawn: a slice of white bread, like a shirtless Englishman stretched out in the sun.

Kitchen Knife (n.)

15361536 views66 comments22 favs

Kitchen Knife (n.)1. A standard kitchen tool consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle intended for cutting, peeling, chopping, slicing, and dicing.2. Used primarily for food preparation (see also BUTCHERING; BACKSTABBING; JACK THE RIPPER; DEATH BY A THOUSAND…


15351535 views1313 comments1212 favs

They confess love for Karaoke and metal rock. They have purchased expensive Stratocasters and Zildjians.

Tiger Milk-a play in 3 acts

15351535 views1414 comments66 favs

Imagine the poem written with a pistol at your head.

A life in books

15351535 views77 comments33 favs

Forget Ulysses, life itself is a stream of consciousness if you ever have time to get out of the stream and take a look at it. And there’s nothing that gets you out of the stream like a short sharp shock.

Self-Portrait of Someone Else (excerpt)

15351535 views77 comments33 favs

Recently I think I became someone else. When the alarm clock rings in the morning, it sounds sharper than usual; getting up, my feet don't seem to quite touch the floor; looking into my bathroom mirror, my face seems to be melting, sliding, my eyes dri

Jen the First

15351535 views22 comments44 favs

"kissing her with every muscle in my neck."

Heart Line

15351535 views2424 comments1010 favs

One sunny morning, a big-bellied ball of yellow fur surveyed a yard full of prospective adopters and ran straight to one. She’d been chosen.

Of Mugs and Men

15351535 views44 comments22 favs

I want to break that mug. (Break him.)

This is Why We Can Never Have Nice Things

15351535 views66 comments55 favs

At age eleven, I murder the coffee table. I gouge with every available implement: thumbtacks, Lefty scissors, the plastic hand of my Barbie accomplice (who really should have known better). It is a slow death. In the end, there is nowhere to hide the body. When I am…


15341534 views2020 comments1818 favs

Unexpected Fever


15341534 views1414 comments99 favs

By the thousands youngsters swarmed into the streets shuffling aimlessly, many mumbling to themselves, heads bowed as their eyes stared fixedly at the plastic devices in their hands.

A Walk

15341534 views77 comments33 favs

I suppose the lazy trees would have a thing or two to say about love

A Fish Story

15341534 views66 comments55 favs

On their first meeting, when Hans rolled his wheelchair to her door she would be he first to say that her heart sank. But he was so beautiful and charming and funny and quirky that his disability was soon forgotten.

Fool of Me

15341534 views77 comments66 favs

This no man's island I'm perched high above isn't always so beautiful to the casual beholder of newly printed maps. Oh don't go and get your clouds all wrong. Puffed or thin, everything I say I believe in is a real feeling, until the music dies…

I Hate Your Favorite Band

15341534 views44 comments22 favs

He (after learning of my former occupation as a record store owner): So, what is your favorite band of all time?


15341534 views1717 comments1414 favs

When you move to the music of a woman

Josephine Skinny Jeans: Chapter 3

15341534 views11 comment00 favs

It's possible I was having an acid flashback or some kind of semi-conscious when I opened the door of #3.