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A Debt No Honest Man Can Pay

15751575 views1919 comments1414 favs

I'm sitting here listening to Nebraska and it's / breaking my heart

Banana Creme Pies for Sixty Percents

15751575 views77 comments44 favs

Suddenly the auditory havoc dies down and she falls into a loop, saying BANANA CREME PIES FOR SIXTY PERCENTS over and over.

Veins Of Crazy Water

15751575 views55 comments44 favs

People tell me my personality is a drug. Could be. My shadow is a spine. And I have the current density of copper. A welcoming face. Opium eyes opium thumbs. The piccolo is parenthetical. …

Yalta Pas de Deux

15751575 views2222 comments1010 favs

The Count was used to boredom but he had reached the point where he was even bored with boredom.

The Lost Boys

15751575 views2121 comments1919 favs

Every day hurts, just a little, but not enough

Turtle Summer

15751575 views1111 comments77 favs

He was her summer fling, the first cock to crow when the sun rose over her tequila smile.

Me. You. Love.

15751575 views66 comments55 favs

In my own case, before Ellen, of course there was someone else. She—well, she was someone who I felt as if I’d always known and always would. And I think she felt the same about me.


15751575 views88 comments22 favs

Four in the morning. I was awake because I'm always awake. There were little fog-halos around the streetlights.


15741574 views33 comments33 favs

Portions of my heart and bones

Athena 2.0

15731573 views1010 comments99 favs

The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.

The Last Quiet Morning

15731573 views1313 comments99 favs

Things don’t happen here, life is so boring in this little Irish town.

Mr. Twitchy

15731573 views22 comments11 fav

I used to think the world was fucked and it was up to me and me alone to see it unfucked. That's really what I used to think, but I've been trying to work on that. It's not a particularly flattering characteristic I have. I'm trying to be more positive.

Ways in Which Looks Deceive

15731573 views1111 comments44 favs

Everything is illuminated. If anyone is watching, we look happy.

One A.M. at the Beau Rivage

15731573 views1212 comments66 favs

After the show they talked at the famous comedian, reaching the way they do, with their arms. Their arms are curved a good way, a better way than the older white planes of my own.

Upon Learning the Fetus Has Fingernails

15731573 views1111 comments44 favs

Upon learning the fetus has fingernails, Missy texts her boyfriend: It has nails! He won’t reply because he’s just left for war, but she does it just the same.

Two poems by Raquel Chalfi in translation

15721572 views66 comments44 favs

On the Shore, Tel Aviv, Winter 1974 From the Songs of Crazy Dolores

How Jellyfish Make Love

15721572 views22 comments22 favs

It was 1986 when I met you. We both lived on Decatur Avenue in a tank that had enough room for you, me, and all our fake plastic accoutrement. I was 30 years old -- really old for a jellyfish. Some people thought I'd die sooner. But I knew better. I was…

I Took Part in 5 Orgies, Which I Liked, and Got Pounded into Shit

15711571 views22 comments22 favs


The King Provides

15711571 views1919 comments1515 favs

Our sons do nothing but drink and roar

Almost Like Love

15711571 views88 comments66 favs

Because it was almost like love, love. Because the potential for that innocence beckoned me, and I became reckless in search of it. I exposed my heart.

The End of the World

15711571 views88 comments1010 favs

I find driftwood, long, smooth logs washed up on the beach, drag them to dunes still wet from the sea...

Frida with Monkey, 1940

15711571 views1919 comments88 favs

It has scent, your heat, of jonquils and lime, of spices seared in a hot black pan.

Two Trees

15711571 views3636 comments2626 favs

I watch my mother and my daughter, each wondering in her own quiet way about where this story will go next.

The Nielsens (part two)

15711571 views00 comments00 favs

[continued from part one...]After sweeps, my schoolwork started to slip. I had trouble paying attention in class, and my workbooks and tests came back from the teacher marked in ketchup red ink. I had always been a good student, and this academic…

Barns And Ignobles

15711571 views1212 comments44 favs

None of us in the barn knew what to do about the lowing cows. Their slowly rising complaint started off as a half-hearted protest but soon gained in volume and unsettling portent.

The Planet Will Be Fine without Us

15701570 views2424 comments1616 favs

The planet will be fine without us as it was/ when the Permian extinction made the goo/ that made the Rockefellers wealthy.

A Short Film About Baseball

15701570 views99 comments66 favs

The throw was the last leg of a triple play.

Crane Man

15701570 views11 comment00 favs

Inside my high-rise studio apartment there are only three locations where Crane Man can't see me. The bathroom is one—although he watches me go in and he watches me come out. Crane Man does a lot of watching. Sometimes it seems he spends more time looking…

Iowa Voters

15691569 views1818 comments1010 favs

I miss my fire from the first three races

Rags to Riches to Rags: Prologue

15691569 views66 comments66 favs

My grandfather rode with the Czar’s army. He was abducted from a village in Austria, trained to pillage and drink, plunder and rape, and ride the best horses that could be had. They were given the best vodka and the sharpest swords. They were all just boy