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An Answer

496496 views22 comments22 favs

"Why?" is the question I ask, but no one is around to answer. What would an answer change anyway? But it is all I can do. So it is all I can do.


495495 views44 comments44 favs

Is that who we are as a nation, or was that day an aberration?

The Page Turner

494494 views99 comments88 favs

Her hands are swift and supple as swallows, bouncing off the keyboard in rapid-fire constellations of notes, because she's playing Bach's Concerto no.1 in D Minor, which is busy and prodigal and all over the place. She is Polina Olegovna Osetinskaya, a beautiful Russian…

times out of time

494494 views33 comments22 favs

muse of my heart, with each palace in love: / when Januaries lash with storm and sleet, / their dread dark nights all muffled in bright snows, / will you find coals to warm your purpled feet?

The Caracol, a snapshot

494494 views1212 comments66 favs

waves assaulted black volcanic rock in briny harmony

Art and Artifacts

493493 views44 comments33 favs

In the morning after a cup of black coffee, she decided she was hungry and opted for the leftover egg roll and dumplings from the previous night. She looks for the chopsticks sticking out with the rest of the utensils and picks up the last of the dumplings and places it…

only, remember me

492492 views00 comments00 favs

I know how deeply your hands plunged into my fire. I remember putting my arms around your back and holding you in the flames for as long as I could bear it. And I remember feeling you slip away, serenely, with that light that urges the rose up out of my s

Saturday's Heart

492492 views55 comments33 favs

day dreams, at last! Timetables colliding, time tables alarm clocks Sunday stew

The Sea at Sea (or Why is There a Question Instead of Not a Question)

491491 views00 comments00 favs

"This above photo by goerte' shows the natural state of a bourgeois subject' - Friedrich Nietzsche "the naked image is more fat then the never naked word, because a pig is an interpretation of a mind, also hog are more green when they worship rationality, because…


491491 views22 comments22 favs

Their raging energy felt like a unified force that could catapult itself in any direction at a second’s notice, like a heat-seeking missile targeting the next warm body.

We measure all this distance in Longing

491491 views44 comments11 fav

“I’ve decided to make some money by filming some of it, making a film and titling it The Nascar 500. It’s a great money maker and here's the gimmick: instead of the usual porn soundtrack it would be the sounds of stock cars racing around the track.

The Longing

491491 views00 comments00 favs

It’s the longing from another life inside that pulls me along by the fine hairs below my navel, exposed at the midriff, and by the short fine hair at my neck, also the dense bunch between my legs, as you might imagine. And it’s the longing of the love I

Cleft-Split Rock

491491 views66 comments55 favs

Walking here with you on these narrow strands

decades since minutes with moments to

491491 views33 comments22 favs

the drive-ins now are dead and gone / where once we laught through splatter films: / our screens too small, our horrors do not fit— / no monumental screens are left, / no close-ups show us what we think we fear.


490490 views44 comments22 favs

Imagine this: One day you are walking down the street (wearing your protective mask, of course, the cloth one you bought the other day because you liked the color and design) when, by chance, you happen upon a strange sight.

Puppet X, 5

490490 views00 comments11 fav

A man learns too late How small deer laugh It’s true When a man goes mad Ropes come down from the clouds He cannot be sure of anything Anything The way’s uncharmed He thinks someone else’s strange thoughts And it all seems a simple

THE BOOK OF SUCH ~ a suite of poems

489489 views22 comments00 favs

A Being of Aether, who having appeared to me one morning, instructed me in the geometry of thorns. She seemed to be semi-infinite as her often melodious speaking voice was unimaginable in one direction and limited in another.

Where is His Grave

489489 views22 comments11 fav

She took a desolate road as the wind blew.

Big Blue

489489 views22 comments22 favs

Standing on the edge of the great shelf

The End of Civilization as We Know It

489489 views44 comments22 favs

The End of Civilization as We Know It Question is, how many carpets did you see flying in close formation? Question is, which hand would you use If you were asked to choke yourself for the sake of civilization? The real question is, if you could

The writer as pugilist - one more time

487487 views99 comments77 favs

I'm cool. You're not. Attitude is everything in life.


486486 views1515 comments1010 favs

Once a psychologist told me a story

Birthday Makeover

485485 views11 comment11 fav

Iris is beside herself with excitement that the most popular girl in her eighth-grade class invited her to join her circle of friends after school. On the sound of the bell, she charges to the door to be the first out of the room and to race to meet Ange

This Poem Has No Title

484484 views77 comments44 favs

...Or perhaps it has; It depends which way you look at it. Perhaps the reader may cite laziness As my reason for not titling this Any other than I would have done As now, with such a title As it has, since for some reason I never…

Warm Day, Virus City

484484 views44 comments33 favs

From inside the baking hot car we watched our father, nervous in his face mask and gloves, step through the wooden gate into grandma's front garden. She was waiting for him, thin and lonely behind the frilled lace curtain. She held the iPad in her left hand, and she…

Short Blonde, Long Red

484484 views22 comments22 favs

Natalie blushed the vodka with an almost pointless twist of the fruit juice as I fought in my inside jacket pocket for my wallet...

Trapping for Poetesses

482482 views00 comments00 favs

So many traps for catching female poets have been invented that it is a rare editor who ever really sees one. H.L. Mencken

Puppet X, 3

482482 views22 comments11 fav

I look good Together Got these penny wings I could actually fly with It all becomes so clear Sound goes down Sanity returns in an instant The night is bigger... I’d rather stay near the ground I’m not a practicing angel


482482 views22 comments22 favs

“Have the tomatoes come in yet?”“Dottie…”Mrs. Dorothea Tilden pointed a trembling finger at Harriet.“You promised me tomatoes, Harry.”Harriet put her hands on her hips, a stance Dorothea knew well. One more sharp word meant fight; two…

(give me a real moment with a living god and I’ll go all the way)

482482 views1010 comments55 favs

I remember, when I was selling real estate, how you could always tell when there'd been a divorce. One room was conspicuously left emptied of its contents, and these rooms were never swept or tidied. Instead they were left just as they were when the par