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A Whole Forest Full of Leaves

17161716 views2626 comments1313 favs

A response to Darryl Price's "Hello Is All There Is".

The Color of Music

17161716 views1111 comments99 favs

"Did you see that?!" exclaimed Judy jerking suddenly from her weathered Adirondack chair.

Float to Water

17161716 views3131 comments1616 favs

I don’t remember the name of the boy in high school or if I cried at his funeral

I’m tired of being timid.

17161716 views1111 comments77 favs

“Later,” I say to the frisky crickets, verbal cash of the eggnog spa, spot of gum…


17161716 views1717 comments1010 favs

When I squint at her from across the table I can see the waveforms created by her carrier signal.

The Sally-Anne Test

17151715 views33 comments55 favs

Sally-Anne is in a graveyard. A girl about her age and height died two years before. Sally-Anne is digging up the bones. Her parents Aaron and Rebecca think she is at her piano…

The Sitzer

17151715 views2323 comments99 favs

Fred, who by that point had already wanted to call Jimmy "Jim," talked a river. Jimmy, who had already called her Freddy, took a mojo bag from his back pants pocket and asked her to write something that he could put inside.

Hey Jude

17151715 views99 comments33 favs

I laugh too loud cause the world looks good that way and for a minute we both make funny sounds just to exercise our vocal cords and see how close we can come to the line without crossing.

Bert & Ernie: The Pre Nup

17141714 views77 comments66 favs

BERT AND ERNIE -- THE PRE NUPBy Roz Warren and Janet GoldenInspired by a recent Supreme Court decision, Bert and Ernie are finally going to tie the knot! Their just signed pre-nup was leaked to us by a Muppet whose identity we've promised not to reveal, in…

On Writing about Velveeta

17141714 views11 comment11 fav

You are fishing in a coffee cup. (Your fishing pole is a record player.)

The Big Cross

17141714 views22 comments11 fav

I hope you and asshole are having a good time.

Falcon Street

17141714 views1010 comments99 favs

Marcy is two years older and got her period the summer before me. She thinks she’s a professor of everything, but she’s my best friend so I don’t say she’s being stupid or that her tangerine lipstick is smeared across her front teeth.

Peshawar kids

17131713 views1414 comments1414 favs

a dark day


17131713 views88 comments33 favs

After like forever I remembered Seth was there, too. He was still on the levee's edge, but had drawn his legs up and crossed them, Indian-style. All of a sudden he was laughing.

I’m going and I’m never coming back

17121712 views22 comments22 favs

“Nag, nag, nag. This time I’m leaving and I’m not coming back.”


17121712 views3131 comments1414 favs

what drives them here?

Ante Meridiem

17121712 views2828 comments1212 favs

Still dipped in night...


17111711 views2222 comments1818 favs

he makes his way back / to the ocean, back to the popcorn, back / to the pinball machines

This Is Why I Loved You

17111711 views1111 comments66 favs

Your opal eyesYour sea-blue eyesYour sky-blue eyesYour ice-blue eyesYour gray-blue eyes, your periwinklesYour hazel eyesYour violet eyes(almond-shaped and almost cubist)Your indigo eyesYour topaz eyes, your sunkissed lashesYour turtle-sundae eyes.I loved your black shiny…


17101710 views3737 comments2020 favs

Make cartography with your mouth...


17091709 views44 comments33 favs

I held on to the edge

Dead Dog Rising

17091709 views2121 comments1515 favs

The dog is there, on sorry legs, with sorry claws. He looks toward the man, the bat, and says, You know me, Man. I know you know me.

Riding Off into the Sunset

17091709 views1010 comments22 favs

There's only one road out of here. It goes straight north for a while, then starts veering off toward the west. You and Horace Greeley can get all dreamy-eyed if you want, but I know which side of the river the Egyptians buried their dead on.

The Bitterness of Butterfly Wings

17081708 views3636 comments88 favs

So I licked the Anise from my fingers.

The Poor Little

17081708 views44 comments44 favs

Wow. I’m just going to say it/ That’s one ugly little girl you’ve/ Made for yourself. But now someone/ Will miss you when you’re dead.

I Was Strolling Through The Water One Day

17081708 views99 comments77 favs

The Killer Whale came back and promised to be nice.

You Wear Camo?

17071707 views99 comments66 favs

Got me a 50 pound bat ray.

How To Find Yourself (or a reasonable facsimile)

17071707 views33 comments00 favs

While I had believed that the subject had been exhausted, that the bottomless pit of the individual navel gazer had been done to death, now here arrives How To Find Yourself to show that previous literature had only scratched the surface of the belly butt

Re: “oo===D---o-}-<,” Fiction Submission

17071707 views11 comment11 fav

Fake letter, 55 words.

Arcana Magi Zero - v.3: It's So Wonderful, It's So Beautiful

17071707 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia and Megumi were now twelve years old and for the first time, they were celebrating their birthday together. It was also special for them because it was a leap year and they did not have to celebrate on March First.