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Wish for the Left Hand

895895 views1111 comments55 favs

Hardly a soul could pin him for creating the vehemence that found a streamule to her pen if she wrote in cursive or a fanjet to her keyboard if she typed quickly and satisfyingly in print, employing eight fingers and two thumbs—

Craigslist 2014

895895 views00 comments00 favs

Craigslist 2014?

Letter to Garrison Keillor

895895 views99 comments44 favs

Hilda Raz lost a daughter. Her son gained a persona, backed by biological components. I was impressed by his male-pattern baldness. A biological genius. And yet, I was reduced and in the elevator mentioned crying about it.

Do Unto Buzz

895895 views44 comments22 favs

I parked an outhouse in Buzz's front yard late last night and blew it up. I suppose I should feel bad, but I don't. In fact, I think I strained something trying not to laugh out loud as I watched the contents of the crapper spatter all over the front of B

Day Seven

895895 views44 comments33 favs

Once again, I start the engine.

The Campus Socialists

895895 views33 comments11 fav

The Campus Socialists Paul and Mary Jo lived in an apartment at the top of a long, dark flight of stairs that were so high, I remember as if it were yesterday thinking, the night she pushed him down the stairs, he would surely be dead by the time h

Five Million Yen: Chapter 47

895895 views77 comments00 favs

Who better to know the wiles of the fox than the vixen herself?

The Executioner

895895 views22 comments11 fav

No one knows where the wind comes from, but sure as hell it comes. The executioner glances round the reception area. Nods to himself. Function versus form. Anodyne, instantly forgettable, like hotel rooms. Perfect.

Beach Bird Bliss

895895 views44 comments11 fav

This day, oh, this day… shoved joy and gratitude in my face, then tossed in beauty and just a touch of grace. A Piping Plover set my sorrows by the side, nabbing morsels when it could, then racing from the tide. Junior Eagle perched…


895895 views22 comments00 favs

You welcome the new girl by putting a message on her back. I breathe harder until she pops or until you ask me what I’ve seen or until you see my hand turn into a fist.

All God's Children

895895 views22 comments22 favs

Momma wakes us up early while Daddy's still asleep, pulls out white poster boards, markers from the closet, and together, we draw babies...

The Boy and the Rest of His Life

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Many men ran about, some retreating fully and others digging in along side of me. Some of them without a shirt or helmet, but all with blood shot eyes. My brothers and I dug in hard and set our sights on our enemies.

The Poisoning

895895 views1111 comments99 favs

The Poisoning I used to call my dad Serpico. Thirty years on the police force, and though a respected officer, he never fit in. He never had beers with the guys at the end of a shift or engaged in the more lewd locker room talk. None of the other cops were privy to which…

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 20

894894 views22 comments11 fav

The Gropers of Prague were there, all around us, in spirit if not in fact. Was it KGB? Was it a ghost from my past? Or my own hand? Stop guessing. It was Einstein himself. The KGB had taken him into custody somehow, though by what authority? All the

Fixing the RED Wagon

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I had put the child's wagon, which had been red once, back together again. “Honey”, I said, “I found out the garbagemen will pick up concrete this month.” So, I put…

I am not theirs and they are not mine

894894 views22 comments00 favs

My first year I hated how big and unruly the plants got.

Plastic Cars, Plastic People

894894 views00 comments00 favs

The man at the table was surrounded by an empty kitchen.Dishes were in the sink from the dinner before andEveryone had gone about their days early in the morning. They had left a board game out, scattered across the table,Life, plastic cars and plastic people, and a…


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Thirty is nothing, she said, Wait till you really start to fall apart. I wanted to tell her I already have, but you can't ever say anything like that, especially not on your birthday, especially not to the woman who's just bought you spaghetti and wants

Each Planned to Kill the Other

894894 views33 comments00 favs

What was heinous about it was how easy I assumed it would be. That was truly heinous, and it was a mistake in the end to think of it that way. But I’ve learned from what’s heinous. I’ve bought a plastic cylinder filled with nylon zip ties. They’re great f

Margaret, Pleased

894894 views11 comment11 fav

Grace looks at her cell phone. It had been about a week since her Aunt Margaret fell, slipping gracefully down the stairs and pulling her shoulder out as she grabbed the banister, her hand caught in the holiday streamers spiraling down the railing. Every

Things That Are Sad

894894 views44 comments33 favs

Things that are sad.

Answers Without Questions

894894 views00 comments11 fav

My father did not die before I was born. That much I can cite as not only fact but an absolute necessity to my existence. However, my father is dead. You can wrap as much sentiment and emotion around it as you wish, but you can't get away from the blunt…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 36

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Ben panicked momentarily. Which passport?

Crash Car Star

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here we go.


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He will spread peace like wet blood on a sheet.

Shadow of a Bone

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...the shadowy Samantha sitting up in bed...

Nicotine Clouds and Depleting Oxygen

893893 views22 comments00 favs

I spent the summer of 2001 in disguise;

In Season

893893 views44 comments22 favs

He saw in her something fierce and wild and gently led her to his open palm...


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Wanted: Woman with wit, repartee skills, education and looks. Conversation, verbal dualing and ??? Respond to Seeker.

Ave Maria: Part 6

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“I swear that man is a force of nature.” This was her mother's way of describing her father whenever her mother came too close to the precipice. While growing up, she could never allow herself to fully acknowledge the meaning behind her mother's…