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Chest Bump Bass Detroit

962962 views22 comments11 fav

son a superfly/alligator shoe clad/networking man/working a beeper and flip phone/twisting blueberry spliffs/on ma's porch

i've worn it like a trophy all day

962962 views00 comments00 favs

if i could i would leave/ my beating heart like flowers/ pumping blood upon your doorstep/ in gory testament/ to the way you make me feel.

Weeknights, Idling, Candlelight

962962 views22 comments00 favs

I find that I am keeping silent more often. I don't like repeating myself.


962962 views77 comments33 favs

Spring show its populist face, Flies in the house, missionaries at the door...

This Is Not A Ghost Story

962962 views00 comments00 favs

"Man, I'd love to do coke chopped up with the remains of this motherfucker," he said as the unicorn's head smacked against the screen of his netbook for the 12,364th time.

It is I, Hamlet, King of the Crabs

962962 views33 comments22 favs

Ronnie comes home carrying two sacks of groceries, one including a four-pack of Virgil's root beer. This is heavy stuff. It amazes me she is able to carry these items up our steep hill, nearly a mile in distance. I watch the news on our French cable station while she…

Bully of the Town

962962 views22 comments11 fav

The woman was dancing, holding her bottle in the air as she slowly turned around, blocking the way to the exit. “I asked Miss Pansy Blossom if she would wing a reel,” she sang.


961961 views33 comments11 fav

After ten days in Jeddah, I start to miss the rain back home in Tennessee....

My Not Entirely Serious Predictions for Season Four of Sherlock

961961 views33 comments11 fav

The BBC's “Sherlock” is among the most popular shows on TV, and there has been much speculation among die-hard fans like myself about what the upcoming fourth season will hold. Having consulted my own crystal ball, here's what I see happening: Irene…

Boolean Muteness

961961 views44 comments11 fav

I believe in scouring the sea with spears

Not Quite There Yet

961961 views33 comments33 favs

You're not late yet, but if you don't move now, you will be. You close the cover of your mac book, don't even finish the sentence you were working on or close down the file. What had been of the utmost importance, clutching at your…

Dead Girl Rolling

961961 views1818 comments99 favs

They left me on a gurney for hours...

Hubris, Now Hollowed

961961 views44 comments22 favs

We laughed like lords and lunatics Our schematics stretched before us

Living for You

961961 views33 comments11 fav

I’d say something I didn’t mean, then she’d say something she didn’t mean, and on and on until one of us came up dry and would be forced to—take exception to something the other had said, to take it seriously.

Apprehensions in the Garden of Gethsemane

961961 views1010 comments99 favs

The thumb, incarnate, knows/ the moment of the misplaced hammer blow;/ the tongue, incarnate, the cool invigoration/ of water drawn from the dark well.


961961 views22 comments22 favs

When daybreak comes, it falls a pall pást mé, For it descends too soon for woken sight to see A shade of any gladness in its dew's first blisters: All my dreams of daylight are in darkling whispers Of…

I/ Robot

961961 views33 comments33 favs

in case something went wrong


961961 views11 comment11 fav

Everybody knew the McDonald’s at the Waterfront was selling theraflu stamp bags, and I guess I’d heard how bad it was for you—they’d had reports of dumbasses ODing on channel 2, 4, and 11—but it was a lot stronger than regular heroin and a lot cheaper...

Lips unsealed

961961 views00 comments00 favs

They had a vague idea of how lips were to be used. Lips that parted feverishly, lips that burned. Lips - old, but still amateur. It was no wonder, considering that 'boys from good families' would never dream of even looking at a woman, let alone kiss her!


961961 views77 comments77 favs

i waited for the moon last night for hoursfell asleep with the record player on and dreamedof rain running downgutters of sea glass housesthe sun nudged me awakeand she served me toasthe's not serious,she saidhe's half baked,full of…

The Raging River

961961 views44 comments44 favs

We'll all face the raging river, some sooner than others.

van Gogh's chair. van Gogh

961961 views22 comments00 favs

Finally he painted his own chair, maybe because no one would sit for him anymore (after he cut off a piece of his own ear.) The chair centered and framed so that one leg of it reached down to the bottom of the painting, seeming to be skewed a little, ou


961961 views44 comments44 favs

Hours later, when I was on the phone trying to explain in broken Greek that I didn't have the money to pay damages, I started to retrace my steps from that souvenir shop I reduced to dust.


961961 views1414 comments66 favs

Dead drunks sing Christmas/ songs-


961961 views77 comments11 fav

Drink tons of water they keep telling me...

The Fine Madness

961961 views77 comments66 favs

A phrase, a sentence, a stanza,/ sounds among the sums and lists/ and starts a scratched cascade/ of syllables and other approximations--

My Daughter On Wolf Hill Farm

961961 views11 comment11 fav

I survived as a brave thought,

Luminous Nights

961961 views44 comments33 favs

A great doubt had shut out the light inside us, but each of us called for our lover at the end, and she was generous. Carrying us along inside her over vast distances, chilling our soul with sudden terrible flashes of light.

Things Get Fuzzy

961961 views99 comments88 favs

We can’t just bomb Berlin or Dresden,/ Nagasaki or Hanoi, to make things safe

The Dog

960960 views1414 comments99 favs

The dog is reading. This morning, as every morning, the book is open in front of him. Well before his master's rise, he had already read the moon then dawn and the clouds. Now the slippers, these that walk here and there. Followed by coffee and the pages that turn. A little…