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The New Girl

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She’s new, with the enthusiasm of a new person. And everyone wants the new girl.

Warning! Please Read this Before Adopting a Pet

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One evening I came home late from work to find my wife drinking white Zinfandel by the fireplace in the living room and reading Wallace Stevens poems out loud to the dog, curled at her feet.

The Robotic Intelligence Test

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In the last test Anna barely managed to stay within the limit, but right now she had problems with her father in law who’s been luring her husband into alcohol, and with her husband who’s been luring the father in law into drugs.

In The Wake

10021002 views55 comments33 favs

Any form of exertion would defile what we are trying to do

Random Little Linguistic Discharges

10021002 views1717 comments77 favs

Eat the Body/ Drink the Blood/ Perfect the sacrifice,

I know ...

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But here it was, Friday afternoon with Deborah checking MySpace for interesting bulletins or messages before she made some weekend plans, finding a blog from Fred posted that same morning with two simple sentences. "I know. I've known for a long time.


10021002 views88 comments66 favs

and, once in a rare while,/ actual pearls.

How to Lose Control of Your Pencil

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Real hands

A Losing Hand

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A group of us from work are playing cards at a friend's house, so when my brother Jimmy calls, I take my phone into the other room. I already know what it's about, really the only reason he ever calls these days.“Look, I hate to ask,” he begins, the way he…

Circular Motions

10021002 views22 comments22 favs

Through void decks of apartment blocks, Over roads on overhead bridges, Down small streets on concrete pavements.

Milky Way of Impossibility

10021002 views66 comments33 favs

Can we meet in the desert, I will stand with a cactus flower clenched between my teeth and balance en pointe. I will tame snakes and find your serpent tongue with my eyes closed. I will usher in the clouds, when it grows hot, and, should you becom


10021002 views55 comments22 favs

The increasingly furrowed lines on his forehead made her stomach clench.

Spring in November

10021002 views33 comments33 favs

It is dead, for a time. Sometimes we are all dead for a time. Our lives leave off, sleep under the weight of snow.

Home Land

10021002 views55 comments33 favs

At times we rarely desire to be where we are at home quite as much as we desire to be where we are no longer.

Doll Parts

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She’s always had one foot on a pedestal and the other in a gutter.

Doctor, My Eyes

10021002 views33 comments00 favs was just my heart stnging through my eyes...

Ready to Go

10021002 views66 comments00 favs

Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my…

Dapplegrey (Where He Lived)

10021002 views33 comments22 favs

A short time ago, a man who lived near me got angry. He woke up one morning and torched his house, with his wife and stepdaughter still inside. He drove up I-35 to the Georgetown airport, got his plane, and flew it into the Echelon Building in Austin.

What We Give

10021002 views99 comments44 favs

Oh, what jealousy does to us! What love does to the living!

Back East

10021002 views55 comments33 favs

Could even drift off to New Orleans for a slow sip of a hurricane

All Wet

10021002 views22 comments22 favs

the small break of consciousness that is my dreamswaterso much wateri can never forgive the watertoo many tears


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Kerryn saved us from ourselves really. Would you be reading this had she eaten it?

Broken Night

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Could I really seduce and rob a total stranger -- just on a dare?

Momma's Elephant

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...she had marked the stars with a blue pen, connected the dots to make Andromeda, Cassiopeia, told us of the gods behind the stars...


10011001 views99 comments66 favs

It's weird to be here. I wonder if you are here too. You'd probably say oh that was years ago. And you would be right. But I like the things we believed in then. Some of them I still do. You're old I guess. You were so pretty and golden in your…


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I dream about the boy in The Neverending Story, the gate of mirrors, and the Nothing, a dark cloud that floats in the sky, takes away everything.

Sleeping Bag Whiskey

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indelicate, as everything arrives at once.

Henny Penny On Why She Crossed the Road

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Ok, ok, people are forever asking me, so why did I cross the frickin’ road? Dumb-shit me, of course. Consequences waaay unforseen.

The Truth about the Law

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I hear the undying screams of the children outside.

Desert Storm, an Infrared Dream/David Avidan

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Desert Storm, an Infrared Dream/Poem by the late David Avidan On January 17, 1991 I woke up at 02:45 from a neo-surreal dream with a slight not very serious feeling of suffocation a pre-asthma attack instantly stifled with the inhalation of Ventolin an