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Quintet in a Minor Key Near the End of Time

10331033 views1818 comments1010 favs

The one thing I believe in is collapse./ Abandoned buildings collapse. Civilizations// collapse. Financial bubbles collapse./ Stars and galaxies collapse. Falling// is something that comes quite naturally/ to puffed up things.


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Somebody left CNN on all night long until the news cycle flipped, crashed and burned in its own ruins

After Reading Signs in a Club with a Dress Code

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I like violence / because they refused to pay at attention to me / as a child.

One Day We Grow Wings

10331033 views77 comments55 favs

Cicadas shed their skin as they grow, leaving crisp hollowed out remains on tree trunks, fence posts, and the undersides of upturned leaves. Tommy and I would collect them in the early morning and stick them to our clothes like brooches. I used to like Tommy,…

Sugared. Spiced. Salted.

10331033 views44 comments22 favs

They continued sitting by the fake oasis, drinking single malt, eating soy crackers and chatting about the quality of escorts in glitzy glamping resorts. The Paring happened on number three. Just as the gold leafed chocolate fondant oozed decadent Bolivia

The Trust-Funders Take Over the Loser Cafe

10331033 views44 comments44 favs

It was time to go sit outside in the sunlight with the gang of trust-funders, just to see what was new in the world of high finance and falling stock prices. “So, what's happening with the economy in China?” I asked. And they just stared at me as if I had

This love.

10331033 views11 comment11 fav

- Never in pain and distance - Frown on these moments, With bitterness and vain

Whither Butter Sculpture?

10331033 views00 comments00 favs

Would we have been satisfied with a humble butter sculpture of a cow in 1960? Puh-lease! Would Parisians of the Impressionist era swoon over a big-eyed child picture?

At the Jr. Algonquin Roundtable

10321032 views22 comments11 fav

“He didn’t finish ‘The Witchcraft of Salem Village,’” Scooter says, tattling on his little brother. I’m projecting him to be a first-round draft pick by the National Security Agency in about ten years.

Meat and Bones

10321032 views33 comments33 favs

The man who put up the clothes line left his kids upstairs at night and came down to my bed.

Time Change in Florida #2

10321032 views1111 comments1010 favs

Time Change in Florida #2 Sapped, yes. But not finished. Not yet.So what if I mostly live in my head?Who says I have to be out running aroundimproving body income outgo technical savvy? The dizzy awe of a Southwestern …

Forty Two

10321032 views33 comments33 favs

The gate squeaked, the gravel shuffled and the letterbox clattered as February 14th's mail cascaded to the ground.

Tattooed Thumb

10321032 views55 comments11 fav

A tattoo of a river steamboat, one you dreamed up in your sleep and drew yourself is anchored around your nail bed on your thumb. I paint my nails with regatta sails. The toxic fumes sting my nose. You say you're bored and take out a needle filling it with ink. I watch as…

The Tribe of Women

10321032 views22 comments11 fav

One can’t predict the final cadence of one’s life.

In my day...

10321032 views55 comments66 favs

In my day, you could buy a polythene bag of cigarette butts for 5p. And everyone had a proper haircut.In my day, plumbers gave free vasectomies whilst reciting patriotic poems. And all the buses were red.In my day, there was always more than enough sex to go round, with…


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That was really the problem with leaving. She had to leave everything, could take none of the perfection with her. Anything she took would’ve been too little, or too much, once removed. Once not in his house, not in his vision or touch, the magic would

Hell and back...

10321032 views22 comments11 fav

Sarge had done this before. Not with this many rookies and not on a one-way trip. This was a suicide mission. The boys didn't know it, but he did. They weren't coming back. Hell, they couldn't come back

It's May. Enjoy Yourself!

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May is National Masturbation Month. How do I know? My pal Senior Sex Expert Joan Price is not only vigorously celebrating, but doing everything she can to spread the word.“I'm on it!” I assured her when she told me. “Thanks.”…

Tree Yaupon

10321032 views88 comments66 favs

They clog the skimmer basket/ and fill the small Polaris bag.

A modicum of madness

10321032 views1010 comments88 favs

for the moment/ you think you know what you’re/ doing and do it.

The Night Before the Last Day of Summer

10321032 views22 comments22 favs

Tonight is our last night to dream.

Joe and the Spiderman

10321032 views44 comments44 favs

Once upon a time I sat in summer chairs beside cool vine walls. This was in a borough east of the major city, where families gathered in seasonal joy, by blooms fragrant, to worship the summer and its might. There is nothing diminutive about the world when one is…

the girl who was my suicide

10321032 views1313 comments88 favs

last night a girl came to me in the shape of my suicide.

K Model

10321032 views99 comments66 favs

Plans were all set. We were leaving this town. We'd been creeping around long enough and Marla wanted nothing more than to get out and away from the shallow, old bastard she married. “Fuck his mansion and fuck his country club”, she said. We both agreed that he…

Four, in the Morning

10321032 views00 comments22 favs

We’d told her that Kasey waitressed. We talked about it a lot, trying to figure something out. I wanted to be honest with her. Kasey said she was too young to understand. I said that was why honesty wouldn’t hurt anything. Kasey said what about later.


10321032 views66 comments33 favs

No temporary solace upon this patch of earth, stymied in your injury; labored by your girth.

Reality TV is Dead

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Welcome to the world of (un)reality television. He/she who dies with the most stories wins. Another kind of religion. The Church of Being Famous For Whatever.

Finger Lost Finger Found

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Little Roy Farrell'd taken a bite of his fourth grade teacher's ear as she bent close to help him sound out the word “grace.” Doc Felter had sewn most of teacher's ear back on, but by seventh grade Roy still couldn't read and never understood that he'd in

Give Me Back My Albert Hall

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“Now, “Pour Some Sugar on Me” is a hit of the eighties.”


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"You gonna be old before you're old," my father had told her.