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Full Circle

11861186 views1515 comments1313 favs

I staggered away in the storm tears frozen to my cheeks.


11861186 views1111 comments88 favs

“The beginning was good. That’s what he likes. The moment when you’re driving in the open air and your hair is flying and your skirt is whipping up around your knees, and he’s smoking, of all things, and happy and looking at you."

Ballpoint Sketches for Banana Peel Poems

11861186 views99 comments1010 favs

I wanna make banana peel poems-- slippery little booby traps

Little, Big Dipper

11861186 views44 comments44 favs

I considered kissing Christian. It wouldn’t be terrible. I mean, it might be terrible, but it wouldn’t be awful. His teeth were a little crooked but he didn’t smell or anything.


11861186 views33 comments00 favs

my molars are dancing, tekka-tekking to the strung-out paint can groove of my heart.


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Colton nods, without words, understanding the significance of every word that the Old Man has uttered, knowing that in the end, given enough time, we all go down that lonely corner, to embrace the darkness, wishing to be cured of our sentiments.


11861186 views66 comments55 favs

When I got to Pete's house he was sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette, bruised and dirty, with a smoking pile of rubble behind him where his house used to be. I hadn't heard yet, but his ol' girl left him and blew up the house when she left.


11861186 views88 comments44 favs

The Houston police devised a punishment for the adulterous thespian that would not hurt the nights or household income of his French young wife.

The Shared Transgender(er)

11861186 views22 comments11 fav

...I told Uncle Lou I thought it (trans-gendering) looked like a thoughtful way of occupying the world. It was a personal triumph, for some individuals, over the destructive affects of denial. Besides, it hurt no one, and it didn’t destroy property. I alw

Pet Sitter

11851185 views99 comments77 favs

We didn't know him from Adam...


11851185 views88 comments77 favs

You are an heiress to drunks. The statues of your forefathers stagger, memorialized by gravity, their faces half-lit eternally, as they reach into refrigerators for another something to keep away the cold empty.

Whimsytown, USA

11851185 views11 comment00 favs

My famous ‘Black Feminist Casserole’ was soon renamed ‘34C casserole’.

she has one of those names that only a southern girl could pull off

11851185 views55 comments33 favs

“But I don't HAVE an accent,” she said. With an accent. “Tell him I don't have an accent, y'all.” Looking from one friend to another. Messy ponytail bouncing. I just stared. I may have blinked. A couple times. Every syllable…

The Invisible Woman

11851185 views33 comments11 fav

"She saw they were absorbed in making faces at each other with a smartphone app that enlarged a mouth."

Asking an Accomplished Poet Friend to Read My Poetry in a Starbucks at 2PM on a Thursday

11851185 views66 comments22 favs

Your usage of the English language / is awkward and passé—

You Never Forget Your First

11851185 views1212 comments22 favs

There is nothing like your first time, and by that I am referring of course to the first time you purchased a 45.Going to a record store and buying a 45 is a uniquely Boomer experience. Because, alas, there are no more 45s. Or, for that matter, record stores. The…


11851185 views00 comments00 favs

Warranties are what made America great, although hers has expired and the mailbox will remain empty for another fifteen days.

Puppet X, 1

11851185 views22 comments00 favs

I know you, ladies and gentlemen We see the near future through you Your factual face as you sit indoors Youthless In your ordinary chair

When I Grow Up; Or, Why Teenagers Shouldn't Listen to Angst-Rock

11851185 views66 comments33 favs

rockstar, moviestar, literary supernova – burning out before all the planets are declassified.


11851185 views2020 comments1111 favs

The nearsighted world/ puts on its lenses

Metro Retrofitting

11851185 views1212 comments99 favs

Fax me back to South Street listening to the dumpster / trumpeter, standing like licorice in the rain, / as the fetid officers assemble for the raid

Gravity as Destiny

11851185 views1919 comments1010 favs

Falling// is something that comes quite naturally/ to puffed up things. Like the soufflé


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It was cloudy, the way he liked it -- no baking in the sun. People passed occasionally. He sniffed at the joggers, “Health Nuts,” he dubbed them. He hadn’t exercised since his last high school gym class.

Elise Imagines Herself Behind Flowers: 1938

11851185 views66 comments55 favs

In your mouth is the attic studio Where your father’s brushes lie wet with water


11851185 views44 comments33 favs

1. Walking here with you on these narrow strands of clean air & imagination

Motherly Advice

11851185 views22 comments00 favs

Her mother told her once: "Don't be no whore, Fe-fe."


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Fleas were a constant reminder that humans are food.


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They coo and gurgle in the warmth of twig and down. They are so delicate, hard to look at without thinking of death. I tell them I want for them chief among all things strength, speed, resilience.

Outside Thunder Pallets

11851185 views33 comments44 favs

Carl’s peculiarity of toilet paper rolls is not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act – he’s looked it up.

Searching for the Word

11851185 views33 comments22 favs

I separate my thoughts into two / camps