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Even if you're doing it together, there's no unity when everyone's dancing to their own tune.

At the End of the World There Will Only Be Renegade Lovers

11891189 views1111 comments55 favs

I didn't believe in hiding secrets or broken arrows. So I told my new girlfriend, who in earnest, tried shedding pounds like ugly memories, who glued herself to my shag carpet, watching exerise videos--that I didn't sleep alone. I tried to be as sensitive as possible,…

Bookmarks From Hell -- A List of Unsavory, Alarming and Downright Nasty Things Librarians Have Found In Library Books

11891189 views77 comments55 favs

Why would anyone stash a used condom in a Bible?

Thirteen Random Things I Learned About Jon Stewart From "Angry Optimist: The Life and Times of Jon Stewart."

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Jon Stewart factoids!


11891189 views55 comments55 favs

The first time Momma shows me a demon is during revival week at church.

Valentine for a Homely Couple

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It's none of my business, where Carl puts his prick. But I know one thing; Them Bohunk women go to pot quick.

from: The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars

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I got on the Greyhound Bus at 11 a.m. and sat by myself staring out the window. I could see the reflection of my own dark beard in the window, a 27 year-old man with a huge poem bursting my heart, gasping to get out into the bright lit-up world out there,

Fun Times at the Memorial Park

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Good times, underground.

The Elevator

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The man and the woman looked at each other almost shyly. The man flicked his eyes away self-consciously and looked outside, seeing the clouds in the distance, the smaller buildings…

Brian's Bride

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I had a dream. "And it was a long dream, as dreams go. . ."

Divorcing Delia

11881188 views99 comments66 favs

I held her hand through two divorces, I warned her that gorgeous Geoffrey was homosexual when she was oblivious, and I fed her children when she was off at rehab (four times before it 'took').

An Old Peach

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Allen would stroll the remains of the orchard, reminiscing with Tad, flirting with dementia.

A Lot of Things to Tell You (from FATHER MUST)

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How long have you been waiting for me? How long?

Donnie's end

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I pointed, trying to keep a rising frisson of alarm from my voice.

Secrets and Piles of Money

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The dog awakens at the sound of a petal falling, sure that barbarians are at the gate. She opens wide her yellow teeth.

Starting from Scratch

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Each time his eyes closed, he shook off the sleep, whimpered, and opened them wide again. I’d never watched a baby fall asleep before, but I realized at that time that falling asleep could be a scary thing. The world gets fuzzy and starts slipping awa

Nearly Lost

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My body feels chilly but it's not from the outside temps. It seems to me it's the opposite of a fever.

His Father’s Statement

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He didn't want to read his father's statement. Yet still he lingered, poised over the kitchen table, where his father had left it.

Truth Or Consequence - 3

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"What does it say about our political process when I could pick students at random out of any of my classes who would do better than the actual candidates. That scares me. What’s happening to people? How did we get here?”

Hometown News: Newsprint Jesus (part 1)

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I had enough judgment, anger and vengefulness from the people around me in the steel town of Pueblo, Colorado, where I was growing up. I didn’t need more from my God.

Not Drowning

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You were a buoy.

Third World Problems: On Breaking My Kindle in Africa

11881188 views66 comments44 favs

I blame the fucking mosquito net.

Life on TV

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The television volume softens in the shadows.


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My father died. I took his clothes.


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beatings and tear gas

I'm In Love With Mr. Yippee!

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“Why is there a gigantic sex toy sitting on your dining room table?” Mark asked recently. “That's not a gigantic sex toy,” I said. “It's a Wahl Hot & Cold Therapy Massager.”“Which is?” “An Advanced Pain…

Just the Facts

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skin cancer walks along Zuma beach at noon

For Refrigerator Poets, Verse Builds Bodies and Minds

11871187 views66 comments33 favs

"Thanks for the wild sex--let me know if you have any problems with the lint trap."

Too Weak for the World

11871187 views55 comments55 favs

There was a certain romanticism in it, the salty old man sidling up to me at a bar, rhapsodizing in a slurred stream of conscious about the state of the world, the country, the state of his own heart. He didn't have an eye patch nor beard, nor was he…

Darkroom Tech

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Entering that darkroom is like slipping through the barrel of a rifle.