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Singularities And the Circle Of Convergence

11951195 views55 comments11 fav

There was a knock at the front door of Apartment Number 9. Ace Quana tried to beat his wiener dog, Little Ace to the door, but he could not. For while Little Ace had stubby legs like wet…

Poem for Ivor

11951195 views77 comments33 favs

How to capture in word, in song, the fleeting moments of our loveYou were hereAnd now you're goneEven as I used to lie next to you,bathed in the care and concern that emanated from your warm black brown eyes,I knew there would be that day, that you were no moreDestined for…

Tomatoes and Onions on the Bed

11951195 views1313 comments55 favs

That led to the first aid box on the bed at 3 in the morning, but what about those veggies?

The Lost Place

11951195 views66 comments44 favs

. . . laughter and madness.

Pete Jones' Canadian Bacon Pizza

11951195 views44 comments00 favs

What the hell is seeded?

The Stop

11951195 views1313 comments1111 favs

You were busy, moving, alert inconstant motion; packingbooks, clothes, paintings;deciding yes to this, no to that. I was simply tryingto settle somewhere in the space.We'd known it for years when things were in place. Now, this abrupt interruption of…

What I Love About History

11951195 views33 comments44 favs

What I Love About HistoryMy roommate, Cara, wears all black, which she thinks scares me. I've never bothered to tell her I wore all black for two years, eighth and ninth grade, and I'm just over it, not that I think she's lame or passé, but there's nothing remotely…

Bring on the Drones!

11951195 views99 comments77 favs

Never mind that they cost millions per year just to amuse the monkey bone in us all or that they spew pollution or that their only real purpose is murder. They are justified by skill and thrill.

haircut month

11951195 views55 comments44 favs

The same night your best friend of two years called you up to tell you they don't want to think about you anymore was the same night you had stood silently, leaning, head against the mustard wall in your mom's boyfriend's house, stuck listening to Randy…

Great Rift Valley

11951195 views11 comment22 favs

she shivered in the ceasefire like a virginal nude brought to life.


11951195 views33 comments11 fav

The blackout lasted longer than anyone thought. From my fifth story window, the whole city seemed to shut down. I heard noises above me. How could it be?


11941194 views44 comments44 favs

A man jumped off the High Level Bridge this morning.

This Is

11941194 views1616 comments99 favs

Have you ever spent twilight in a old pasture?

Things Found In The Wreckage Of Angel 1508

11941194 views33 comments11 fav

A canister of unused laughter taken from the mouth of a baby not yet born A splinter of wood from a cross, perfectly preserved in dark tea taken from the belly of a dead Irishman A milky vial of smog taken from the air of Los Angeles circa 1965 A

There is

11941194 views55 comments55 favs

another way to play with all that is that doesn't involve killing for profit. I believe that, don't you? There is always a much kinder response to the failing dawn of secret night. Dancers know the power of this beautiful all encompassing …

Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and A Nice Hot Bath: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

11941194 views99 comments88 favs

Actress Rita Moreno wakes up humming.People (5/1/17)Riding a roller coaster with your partner makes you more attractive to each other. People (5/1/17)The image on the commemorative stamp the Central African Republic recently issued to honor film legend Marilyn Monroe…


11941194 views1515 comments1010 favs

Weddings, engagements etc.

Old Penny

11941194 views1616 comments77 favs

Nothing about it// is attractive- its color, it’s design,/ it’s market value. I leave it be and watch

In tidal relief

11941194 views1313 comments1111 favs

the world slips under the waves

Bearing Witness

11941194 views1010 comments44 favs

I hold them to the light...

Just Do It

11941194 views55 comments22 favs

He is sitting in his bedroom trying to decide what to wear. He has an appointment at five. If he wants to make it he has to either catch the bus, which comes in about fifteen minutes, or drive in. If he wants to drive in he needs to put petrol in his car,

Another Etiquette Lesson from the Jungle

11941194 views11 comment00 favs

I lie on the floor of the hut and for some reason I start to think about the Harvest Days carnival and that game where you have to toss a dime in a dish to win a stuffed animal. Next thing you know I’m a little tiny guy in there in that world of plates

Full Frontal Shameful Replication of Incorrect Anatomy

11941194 views22 comments22 favs

I look down at my free of clothing genitalia and curiously note that the testicles sprout from above my erect penis, and my scrotum is so taut, hard and shriveled as to conjure squished images of a gigantic pink peanut.

The Sober Boat

11941194 views77 comments77 favs

I am my beloved’s Advil and she is my Aleve

The Sextant

11941194 views1212 comments88 favs

I was hope, and you were what I can only call consolation, as day after day you remained a grief in my throat.

And We Are Laid To Waste

11941194 views00 comments00 favs

August 14 I remember the smell of fresh air. The feeling of clean air in your lungs. I haven't had that feeling in quite some time now. I guess few people have.


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Begonia {part three}

11941194 views22 comments00 favs

Now, the Kingdom of Begonia was known for its serenity and virtue. But just like any other place, there can sometimes be dark and mysterious inhabitants.


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“You have an impressive pair there,” he says, hands warm as he cups them. “Shame they’re on a man though.”

The Bedbugs

11941194 views55 comments55 favs

Cockroaches in bed was the last straw. Alicia was sure she’d swallowed one in the middle of the night . . .