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12051205 views33 comments33 favs

76 nutswinging likes

a nice girl is like powder

12051205 views33 comments33 favs

I remember mad strong words out of a teenager, fresh from the shower without a blouse: First! He will be my age, period! He will be the first to walk me to my room as my fear crashes to earth, final, considered. And I will be the first to milk the w

X Marks the Spot

12051205 views1414 comments1010 favs

I was an only child....

Four Queens

12051205 views22 comments11 fav

She rolls up at school with the word MAYHEM marker-penned across her stomach, wrote so big the first and last letters graze each inner thigh bone. She says it's in honour of some rock star I never knew.

Her blue eyes floating on twin clouds of innocent beauty

12051205 views22 comments22 favs

The girl I sat next to said she had just looked up in time to see it, Randy, and it was quick thinking that you avoided it. Randy said he nearly missed it and commented on how Judy was the only one in the world who could discover plastic bubble paste, bab

The Next Landscape

12051205 views66 comments66 favs

The day came shyly up to me like a rolling orange thing. Perhaps of alien origin, but not if the Buddha of our foolish hopeless dreamer inside has anything to say about it. It said, pick me up. I did. It looked like forever on the inviting horizon with trees as…

Not finding you

12051205 views44 comments22 favs

Had this been a film, I’d have seen you at once. Extreme close-up: my finger on the green button that opens the door to the park. Long shot: my leaving my bike at the entrance. Slow shot: my walking down the narrow stone path.

A Little Load of Paint

12051205 views66 comments55 favs

Cézanne sags during a moment of paint. There is an umbrella in the room whose surface collects his thoughts. Outside, in the rain, the grass and garden smell strongly of spring. Fruit litters the table. Light through the window writhes in conversation with shape and…

The End of Fun and Games

12041204 views11 comment11 fav

A procession of our somber youth— stoned and stunned and broken beyond repair—viewed the boy carved of putty. The mortician painted him stuffed him, presented him to us, the semi-living.

Drama Days

12041204 views44 comments44 favs

And you lean forward and all of that caffeine anxiety rises up in your throat, the pressure in your jaw, a series of weights and pulleys on your teeth and at the back of your mouth. So when you open your mouth to talk, no sound is made, only the sound of


12041204 views22 comments11 fav

The next week, she sends a small white box in the mail / with tissue paper, a ceramic mold the color of bleached bone—

Begonia {part five}

12041204 views22 comments00 favs

With a roar and short burst of flame, the dragon awoke, startled.

Salem the Dead

12041204 views44 comments44 favs

My father's cousin is Salem the Dead. Famed, an infant Lazarus of Libya, he was brought lifeless from the womb, yet awoke to the chill of a mortuary slab.

Land's End

12041204 views55 comments66 favs

Wearing Land’s End clothes at life’s end Driving around in circles in your Codgermobile with 3 good hubcaps. Who wouldn’t want to steal that?


12041204 views33 comments22 favs

The moment I was told of your passing...

Freelance Your Way to Poverty

12041204 views55 comments33 favs

Buyers of freelance writing have a well-deserved reputation for responding slowly, thereby increasing your pleasure in much the same way that the Pointer Sisters longed for a slow hand.

My First Sonogram

12041204 views11 comment00 favs

As I was checking out with the receptionist, Dope came barging through the door and told the guy at the front desk that I needed to be booked for this sonogram “right away, like within the next 72 hours.” My hands started to shake and my lower body b

End of Daze

12041204 views00 comments11 fav

Be it a moment of zen, an epiphany, a vision, or even an ill-tempered chinese food inflicted dream, I've seen what's been shrouded carefully behind you… ahead of me.


12041204 views1414 comments1010 favs

In those years, you and I were told to leap for a world suffused with sound and industry.


12041204 views1515 comments99 favs

fat furry marmots who play hide and seek

A Conversation Between Bacon and Eggs

12041204 views55 comments00 favs

In a hot splattering we were born

The Tall Man’s Secret

12031203 views88 comments55 favs

For the next two hours, Ed goes nonchalantly about his business, buck naked the whole time. He putters around the house, writes e mails, waters plants, vacuums the rug and sweeps the porch. I pretend to ignore his nudity

Jack Arnfinn

12031203 views33 comments22 favs

... and the train pulls up and my shadow from yesterday steps off, and I'm standing on one leg balancing just like the weather between winter and spring, I hear a siren and my heart races, I'm about to step aboard when I hear footsteps behind me and two hands cover my eyes…

next love letter

12031203 views1111 comments11 fav

Eat me so I can sink in your mouth, my paper fraying along the sharp topography of your tongue, lodging in the holes where your teeth used to be. There, I will storm an infection until your mouth inks my words.

Snow and snow and snow and snow and snow and snow and snow

12031203 views44 comments44 favs

A tough enough signal to read under the best of meteoric circumstances, this is one maybe I'll keep on thinking about. I might be able to make something everlasting out of this crazy price for love after all. I no longer…

The Dream Shop

12031203 views55 comments55 favs

From nine at night until five in the morningthe mannequins staff the Dream Shop.Customers sleepwalk in and murmur their enquiries.Some of the patrons are very demanding.They queue outside before opening…

Looking for Eight

12031203 views22 comments22 favs

She knew there were a few rodeos in south Texas scheduled in the next two weeks. Mostly small-time stuff, but riders who hadn't had much luck might be inclined to improve their scores for the pro circuit. She guessed Lorenzo wasn't having much luck.

First Chapter of Rain (novel)

12031203 views22 comments00 favs

Every day she loves me a little less, and justifies it by saying that there is less of me to love. At some crucial, overlooked space in our life together, I used up my compassion and started to spend hers.

Annulling the Future

12031203 views1111 comments99 favs

If you can’t consummate tomorrow / you may as well just annul the future

Nearsighted Singers, Your Time Has Come

12031203 views77 comments44 favs

An old man in overalls with rags on his head known locally as Bo Peep made his way up from the black side of town to the white. After listening for a few moments, he shook his head in disgust. “Boy, you can’t play them blues.”