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Dream Eater

12561256 views22 comments22 favs

I began to feed him. All the things I could think of - horror movies, cheese, salt, pickles, chilli. Vitamin B6 tablets washed down with warm milk. Anything I could do to grow little nightmares for my new pet.

A note from Liu Xiabo

12561256 views88 comments66 favs

I think about the weight of those words—how they are silenced by the weight of stone, by the weight of 11 years in a Jinzhou prison cell,


12561256 views2020 comments1111 favs

The box thuds at your feet: mug, plant, wedding photo, the 25-year pen.

Notes from Matrimony, # 9

12561256 views44 comments44 favs

I arrived Sunday evening to a darkened house. Everything unplugged. Even the fuses from the breaker. Meticulous, this undoing. Silence has a sound. Cold has a voice, a pearly cigarette whisper. It says, “Metaphor?”

Tokyo Girls in Science Fiction

12561256 views66 comments33 favs

Let’s say you know so little about me. Like whose idea of a joke to name me Hideo for excellent male. Or why I hang out at triangle Park, ogling expatriates or crusty punks.

New skin

12561256 views22 comments11 fav

For ten minutes I would have to sit perfectly still on the edge of her bed, thinking of Road Runner and the Flash and wishing I could do anything but sit there with my feet in warm, foamy water.

Old Man's Winter

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The old man’s face is worn and tired, his nose and cheeks tinted red over his pale black skin from the frosty January winds blustering through town. He looks more than half frozen, which I don’t find surprising.

The Model

12561256 views66 comments55 favs

This is the world of an urgent art, the room silent, except for the constant sound of the camera.


12561256 views66 comments22 favs

The water rolls gently this evening, barely touching my toes before retreating. The tide has been going out for over an hour and already there are several victims – crustaceans, spider crabs, minnows.

November Is The Month Of Dying

12561256 views77 comments66 favs

Two weeks after All Souls’ Day, he trudges through the overgrown pasture behind the farmhouse, his head bent, intent on his footing, a shovel his walking stick.

Please Take

12561256 views44 comments44 favs

I have a ball-pein hammer in my coat pocket.

Feb 8

12561256 views1515 comments66 favs

Call it a spell or a prayer or a ritual; it worked.

Our Time as Men

12561256 views44 comments44 favs

Rhonda looks guilty as it is, don’t you think? That hair! And the unhappiness smeared across her face like war paint after a war.

A Spark and a Flash

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Butchie was the one who heard about the bonfire happening over on Harrison Avenue.


12551255 views66 comments33 favs

The camera moves slowly around the interior of a building inhabited by books.

North of Center

12551255 views44 comments55 favs

Paulette lived on the east side on Paulette Avenue. Mama dropped me off when we wanted to play Barbies. Her neighborhood was a little green lily pad in a swamp of blight and disrepair. A ghetto moat ringed around those three fancy blocks like a first line of defense,…

When the Moon Blooms

12551255 views88 comments66 favs

Your faded presence in sepia dream returns, firelight whispers and vanilla scented ash. We were a beautiful knot: sinew and hemp, burlap and magnolia petal, concrete and vapor. Gray kisses hovered overhead, misty…

The Goldsmith's Anniversary

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He searched for something deserving of the word “bestowed,” something so rare as to horrify the clerics of ordinariness.

The Havisham Complex

12551255 views66 comments44 favs

Zinvushka Zokolovskaya and I first met at the local botanical garden.


12551255 views33 comments22 favs

“Emerald Leaf Borers, Dutch Elm Disease and Gypsy Moths blow through here like the Plagues of Egypt,” said Rafe, sipping from his glass of Parallel 44 wine. “You'd think we'd get more than a few days of good weather for all the parasites we feed.” …

Horse With One Big Ass Smile Plastered All Over Its Purple Petaled Pucker Just for You

12551255 views1010 comments66 favs

Tired, so tired of it all, but oh we'll always go on, won't we, still carrying on about the love the love the love we shared, only again and again. Ooh the oozing life blood is slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly now going to shit I say, practically…

I'll be Home for Christmas - 2

12551255 views1616 comments66 favs

Warning: contains sexually suggestive comments.

In the small hours

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In the small hours

Sparrow and Mockingbird Greet the Dawn

12551255 views1818 comments99 favs

feathered waves of tangerine peach


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“Buy Shoes On Wednesday and Tweet at 4:00” is a new advice book which tells the reader the best possible time to get everything done, from flossing ones teeth to visiting Zanzibar. As a public service, I've used the information provided in that book to create an…

" I Know Bernie, I Can Get You In."

12551255 views44 comments44 favs

* Dedicated to Bernie MaddoffThere was a long line at the men's room.You know,when men reach a certain age,there is an urgencyto their frequent trips.So I saw an opportunityI said:" I know Bernie I can get you in.""Really?," they saidbut I played it coy"It ain't easyBernie…

The Girl With the Dresden Blue Eyes

12551255 views1515 comments88 favs

Your girlfriend with the Dresden blue eyes with the sleek belly & gorgeous scars from ripping off Avenue A dealers has you on a leash of short-term amnesia. You can't recall the last time you got off from being trigger-happy inside her & you formed a…

Rwanda Suite: The Wild Man Scale

12551255 views1010 comments99 favs

Abominables do roam the earth; I know it.

Buzz Kill

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Blood had soaked through his Converse All-Stars, and into his cotton sox. It was the smell of metal, of iron more specifically, that nudged his mind out from the fog of shock and denial, closer to the reality of his circumstances.


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Once, asked what time it was, M. replied, "Eternity."