I am fantasy
I am object
You cannot hear me
Nor see me
You have shrouded me
You have placed me in your head
You have made me
And yet
If the mask is destroyed
If "I" am shattered
I will be
neither star nor killer
of your reverie
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The effects of objectification are vast, are they not?
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This could be sung as well as work as a poem on its own.
Everyone is an object until you get to know them but you can't know everyone and some of them refuse to be known.
"neither star nor killer
of your reverie"
Love this!
Why not fav it then?
Sticks with you, and gets you to think, and you start to revisit the poem again--that's pretty powerful.
Deep. Bottomless, in fact. *
Like Darryl said, I had to revisit this amazing work.*
SDR - I like the idea of this as a song. And you're onto something with your second comment...
Thank you, Bill!
Thank you, James!
DP, Mathew, Tim - I am humbled and flattered at once, though that seems contradictory. Thank you so much.
Lovely - simple and effective.
This, "If the mask is destroyed
If "I" am shattered
I will be"
Thank you Neil and Randal!