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Dear Poetry Editor,

13291329 views55 comments00 favs

I like to think of my poetry as fungus, sprouting out of the dank and fertile soil of my imagination.


13281328 views66 comments44 favs

For a person you don't know, a stranger with a lot of place, you think much of him.

Dos Equis

13281328 views1616 comments88 favs

dos equis ambar sits cool and dark by my side

Paying for Dinner at a French Restaurant So You Will Love Me

13281328 views55 comments55 favs

What does she have / that I don’t have / that I can’t buy / for myself?

Kill it

13281328 views77 comments66 favs

my dog had a tumor

Ordinary Boys

13281328 views1616 comments1313 favs

There is no hate in his eyes...


13281328 views99 comments77 favs

Most things come down to carnality, it seems, and dreams are no exception – or that’s how the teller of dreams told it to me.

The Damp Place

13281328 views88 comments55 favs

As long as he could still take the stairs, he would go down there to be with the memories that each piece held. He knew that their time was about up, because his was too. His wife had already gone, and even before that she had long stopped using the washe

Mind The Gap

13281328 views55 comments00 favs

Alone,we are ageless togetherin the heart of our precious now.A relentless wedge of image and vanity, gossip and innuendo, acceptable and most certainly not, dashes our agelessness intoan insurmountable chasm of years.That diabolically…

Biography of a Splotch in a Parking Lot

13281328 views77 comments66 favs

She hadn’t died. She wasn’t a ghost. She wasn’t even invisible. She just wasn’t see-able.


13281328 views00 comments00 favs

Vito stood before the mirror combing his dark, freshly-cut hair. He trimmed his thick mustache, then buttoned his black vest. He liked its tight fit against his muscular torso. He had difficulty fastening the top button of his white shirt, the collar tigh

Matisse, in the Jardin des Tuileries, 1904

13281328 views77 comments66 favs

The World's Worst Mime stood there next to the iron carousel, portraying something, and the crowd understood none of it, except that whatever thing he was trying to portray was not being portrayed well at all.

Beyond the Wire

13281328 views1212 comments55 favs

Thistle and cracked corn were thrown to us each morning and the occasional live chicken...


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I don’t personally know any models—let alone any supermodels—at this point in my life but some years back my father, who was working for the Woolite Corporation, was in charge of hiring models for them.

Moon View Mountain Road

13281328 views2121 comments1919 favs

I once read a book of warnings.


13281328 views1414 comments1111 favs

The beachy slope never draws such goliaths.

Infinity Pool

13281328 views1111 comments44 favs

I sink until water saturates my lashes, waiting, breathless, for the words to stop.

The Galleries

13281328 views2020 comments1111 favs

We invent our beauties// as we find them and engineer/ our horrors

Sky Without a Song

13281328 views66 comments66 favs

He hung up and I sang some whiney lyric about wanting him back. You know the songs that say the same shit: I’m an idiot. Love me anyway. I’m Velcro with nothing to stick to and you’re a nappy surface that gives me a reason to exist.


13271327 views77 comments44 favs

"Merry Christmas, Willie."

Empty Space

13271327 views33 comments22 favs

The house was empty now - silent. Each room was filled with air too thin to sustain memory. She stood, absorbing the emptiness, addding it to her own. Her footsteps were hesitant, reluctant to disturb the silence. She walked into her old bedroom - so…

Ladies' Day At Sam's Place

13271327 views99 comments55 favs

I'm warming my stool at the far end of the bar as usual, nursing my fourth draft on a balmy Wednesday afternoon when I lock eyes with this lady who's bashing her head through the front door. You've heard the expression, “50-yard fox,” right? —Looks…

Not Lao-tzu's Magna Carta, xxxviii - xlv

13271327 views88 comments77 favs

what is raised up must rest on its foundation.

Phantom Energy

13271327 views1515 comments99 favs

She called it phantom energy. She said it was costing us money every month. A few cents here and there, sure, but it all added up.

Bondage, to the rivers that bind

13271327 views55 comments33 favs

Waft­ing wisps of fond­ness twin­kling in time with fairy lights point­ing out lawns in cities

Mark and Alan

13271327 views88 comments44 favs

They knew every word. They knew EVERY word!

Low-Country Squirrel

13271327 views1919 comments1414 favs

Maddy knew how to make a sauce. It embraced the meat in a thick, buttery ooze.

Bosch's Last Words

13271327 views66 comments55 favs

I / go my / way alone

Will Write For Crab Cakes

13271327 views11 comment11 fav

By: Roz Warren (and Janet Golden)I'm a humor writer. My work appears in publications from The Funny Times to The New York Times. Janet is a history professor whose writing was confined to academic journals and the occasional op-ed. Driving back from the Jersey shore one…

The Waitress Had Freckles

13271327 views11 comment11 fav

He took a long, noisy sip from the glass of wine as he peered across the rim to see her walk by."Now SHE would never get our order wrong" he said to his two friends seated at the table with him.The two men looked at each other and laughed. It was obvious Johnny was…