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Parts 2 Through 5 of a piece called Wilderness of Humanity, or, We Can Always Clean This Thing Up Again

13601360 views77 comments66 favs

2. humility You know what silly does? Silly guarantees that you will enjoy the moment as the moment for the moment. Clowns make fun of silly. Isn't that ironic? They are in essence the opposite of their own image. That's why so many people see them as evil--because you…

White Legs

13601360 views1515 comments77 favs

...lotus roots carved with clunky holes like a mouse’s drawing of Swiss cheese.


13601360 views22 comments00 favs

Fridays always said it was time for golf,which left me wide, wide like the space between your teeth,on the stoop til you'd let me share your palm with your nine iron.I was a utility. Your gap toothed divot tool or a headcover that had your smile.Sometimes you'd gawk back,…

Against Romanticism

13601360 views88 comments55 favs

And because the film is French, the camera pauses / long moments at the curve of her neck, it watches/ her finger vermilion tulips in a vase. Her new lover,/ a wisp of a man, looks good in leather./ The camera pans quickly across beige suede,/ rests long

Folded Flower

13601360 views1313 comments66 favs

Attached in the center were the petals of a small flower pressed in wax paper. Uncreased, she read it out loud

Seven Things I Learned About David Letterman from Jason Zinoman's "Letterman: The Last Giant of Late Night."

13601360 views55 comments44 favs

Never touch David Letterman's neck!

Eden, Suburbs

13601360 views66 comments00 favs

The boy peered at the rather unusual place between the girl’s legs, which was entirely more complicated than a person might be given to believe should he see it, for example, bundled in underpants or a bathing suit.

Eve's Curse in Silence and Sorrow

13601360 views1515 comments1212 favs

To touch our skin was filthy, to spread our legs a mortal sin. You closed the keyholes to keep us apart, so we used them to keep you out and keep our secrets to ourselves.

Someone With Keys

13601360 views22 comments11 fav

Mower hits a rock and the blades scream.

wanna be a cowboy?

13601360 views1616 comments1313 favs

no one likes a bitchy cowboyhike up yer britchespull yer brim down'nshut up and ridestop making petsout of peevesand idolsout of gossipinsteadmake a hobbyout of yer horseand fer godsakesseason that saddle


13601360 views66 comments44 favs

When I was 17, they said in an e-mail that you would get too drunk to function and that you would abuse them, verbally, and do way more than embarrass them in public. They said you'd yell at them and hit their mom for any reason. They put a restraining order on you.…

The She-Wolf of Leningrad

13601360 views1212 comments55 favs

The heavyset blind woman came into the art opening without a dog or a cane.

No Ordinary Pig

13601360 views66 comments33 favs

During the day we search for truffles. I have a pig named Henry. He is a big help. He wanders the forest sniffing for truffles like a parable of porcine inquisitiveness. He knows what he is doing. He is not just a pig. Nor ordinary pig. He is a French pig


13601360 views22 comments22 favs

94% Battery Power Remaining Last night I dreamt about a mutt whose tail never learned how to wag, and under a sun that gagged us with heat, the mutt sat stoned with its mouth belching cones of pot smoke. Sometimes the smoke shone orange – sometim

The Underwater Afterlife of Memory

13601360 views66 comments33 favs

My fingers are shining in the underwater afterlife of memory searching for the nipple-sized mollusks searching for the solid nature of things left over from having lived a life at all That new rain smell, specifically I remember that,

Read Me

13601360 views1010 comments22 favs

I won’t be eating much anyway if someone doesn’t start reading me. I’ve got to get a hook so people will be drawn to my work. I’ve got a few concepts I’d like to share with you. See what you think.

How I learned what to pray for

13591359 views1414 comments99 favs

“Mommy,” the voice was thin as a fledgling's. “I'm here, baby,” I said. An arm rose from the pavement and small fingers wound themselves into my…


13591359 views1313 comments1212 favs

Grey would rather be in the trees or down by the river. When a wind comes up, he grabs the wooly blanket from the hook in the barn and calls Phoebe. They stretch the blanket out between them and sail into the grassy meadow that slopes down the hill from t

White Woman

13591359 views1818 comments55 favs

She had a compulsion to organize things according to their size or colour or according to some other abstruse algorithm that clicked through her mind. She didn't know that this was OCD

I will be a child again

13591359 views88 comments77 favs

A child in a new world/ by way of the old I won’t remember.

The winter I was going to meetings

13591359 views66 comments22 favs

It’ll die in there and the stairwell’ll stink for weeks, Greg says in the car. We’re quiet, considering that.

Arcana Magi - c.26: Science versus Magic

13591359 views00 comments00 favs

Brie stood before the dwarf that activated the de-paralyzer. She noticed her blueprints spread across the table beside the computer the dwarf stood in front of it.

The Kiss

13591359 views00 comments00 favs

"Dude!" James smacked Peter's head. "Don't be a jerk. Did you get a look at her or not?" Peter said, "I didn't really see her face. Is she hot? Do you wanna kiss her face?"

Mowin' Round the Dead [W-I-P]

13591359 views00 comments00 favs

By the time I was born, my parents were already sickened, blackened, blighted people.

Flicking On Some Trees, Just To See Your Silly Grin in the Half-Light of the Moon

13591359 views1111 comments77 favs

The world knows how to make you smile. I'm certain, but it's your own unique grin that they want for themselves. It's always been their perfect prize to horde. The trouble of course comes from wanting something that only exists in…

Avatar Of Chaos

13581358 views55 comments55 favs

He has one good eye and is missing the other. The socket of his missing eye squints with a disturbing and unfathomable insight.

Tiffany's Economy

13581358 views11 comment11 fav

The world waited with bated breath as Tiffany stood in the grocery store aisle that housed the various kinds of fruit spreads for sandwiches and toast. She tapped her toe and nodded her head this way and that while she compared the qualities of two jars of…

A Thought for Emily's Sleep

13581358 views1111 comments99 favs

Your precious feet were there once, pressed against the familiar floorboards, where your poems suddenly appeared to you, flashing like lightning. I wonder which window they came in? Here's a thought: you were like that window. You caught…

Cento In Prose and Poetry

13581358 views11 comment00 favs

*A"Cento" which is a "patchwork poem" using the words of other writers. for V.W. …

The Attraction

13581358 views55 comments44 favs

The first engine arrived and a fireman heavy with gear stumbled from the side railing.