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Excerpt from House in the Attic

13941394 views22 comments22 favs

We stopped at the Western Summit of the Mohawk Trail. Below Richland lay in the valley. I could see all the way to New York State and well into Vermont. From memory, I picked out the Hoosac River running south under the railroad


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It will only be minutes before I can slip out of this shelter, but time has suspended itself like a web over the sky. I look up and see a break in the clouds moving north from the furthest tip of Lake Erie. Rain turns to drizzle, other guests arrive toget

I will be your girlfriend, Sam Pink

13941394 views11 comment00 favs

I don't really know, though. I've been locked in a beer cave for the last ten years of my life. I was just let out by some frat boys who were looking for Natty Light.


13941394 views77 comments55 favs

This was a dream in which I didn’t know fear.

Quarters, Pasos, Arabians

13931393 views22 comments22 favs

Sometime that night I heard one; you get so you know when they’re coming in low down the valley or set up high over the coastals and I was sure about it.

Oh, Danny Boy

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I wore a padded bra. Proud of my tits. D. ordered a Bloody May, I had a vodka tonic. After the second drink I slipped out into the fog, and smoked a little weed. I could see Long Island College Hospital across the street. To my right, the BQE rose up

Daniel in a Den of Liberalism

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He had forgotten what the culture was like in certain parts of the city. At the lower end of Second Avenue, there lived an amalgam rare anywhere in the world, save other pockets of Manhattan. Punks, hippies, gays, the homeless, and artists of all strip

Better Alive Than Dead

13931393 views55 comments00 favs

How many of them, I'm wondering, are just going through the motions until the power goes out and never comes back on again? They've got to know the Americans will never let the city fall to the færies.

Wounded Knee

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“They picked me up in their spaceship about noon,” Austin Grantham says to me while pulling up an apple crate to use as a stool.

Small Change

13931393 views1414 comments1414 favs

Life seemed okay…for the most part.


13931393 views1111 comments44 favs

Men and their inevitable disappointments—sure, why not?

Lines Written in a Honda Civic

13931393 views66 comments44 favs

Raymond Carver used to write poetry in his car. / Tonight, I tried it too. / I have a car like Raymond Carver / but cannot write poetry like Raymond Carver. / The car isn’t enough.

At Last — My Dream Come True!

13931393 views44 comments33 favs

Some fiftysomething woman with a small dog in her arms was waiting for him, backstage. Security hadn't succeeded in restraining her. Strange.

The Tricycle

13921392 views44 comments00 favs

The large black pedals on the red/Tricycle rotate, push along the cracked,/Weedy surface.

As Pleat

13921392 views1010 comments66 favs

I turn up the music and slip into drone, rock it like a tunnel in canary. When that does not erase his face, I cup my breast with one hand and let my hair fall.


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"I know," Timothy explained, "he can't use it. He's a cripple." No one else seemed to understand.


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This is an older story that was inspired by research on naming conventions while trying to find record of my own ancestors in the Ukraine. I did not find them. Instead I was inspired to write this.

Poets and Roadkill

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It is indisputable that poets love roadkill...

Four Fundamentalist Teenagers In Front Of A Metropolitan Railway Car

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That morning, four children appeared in front of the train, which was ready to depart

Too Many Toys

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But the boy next door is worse than a dweeb; he's a prima donna and a bully and a little shit to boot. The divorce will only make him more.

A Far Cry From Living

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I don't want no laugh track I'm trying to find something that's real

Riddle 44 from the Exeter Book: The Key

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Curiously made thing


13911391 views88 comments22 favs

It takes twelve years for the hot water to run out and your skin has not even begun to prune.

Heart vs. Head

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Where was it? Tino wondered, craning his neck, plastic bag in hand. He would have sworn there was a Barnes & Noble along this stretch. Had it closed since his mother had last been in the hospital two years ago?

Rebekah Just When the Drought Was Ending

13911391 views66 comments66 favs

But the best thing about Rebekah was the way she floated always beneath the scent of woodburn and dusty Middle America,

A Body Divided, 4

13911391 views33 comments00 favs

After surviving the first night in the hospital, I was put into a shared room to save on expenses, and to make room for the deluge of new cases that were coming in, and that was when I made friends with my roommate, Tommy. He was a boy about the sam

Early Winter Haikus

13911391 views1313 comments99 favs

The Full Moon is Inside Your House

13911391 views88 comments77 favs

When the full moon changes trajectory and comes close it pushes you to different gravitational fields

Chaos Unveiled

13911391 views1212 comments1313 favs

The moonlight news is brutal

The Short Life Of Shapes On Sun-Kissed Eyelids

13911391 views88 comments66 favs

She sees Connick Jr. now has a microphone. He is singing “All of Me” as if he meant her to take all of him.