Men have a way of doing that,
Lord, why?
I always thought retirement means you get to sleep longer.
He must arise early, make breakfast, after 40 years of eating mine.
Next, he insists on coming with me to the market.
When I try to pay my bill, he puts his hands in his pocket and whips out money.
Guess he thinks I can't make change.
Our next scenario is the driving obsession. His.
This goes on for months as I just sit beside him and give directions.
Now I have had enough of this, so I tell him that if he ever gets sick, we will be stuck in the house till death-us-do-part.
He finally gives in, but after 1 week that death-us-do-part, parted us.
I'm still here and driving!
Somehow I feel he is still watching.
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This rings so true to life!
Good writing, great story.
"Lord, why?"
Why are close personal relationships so complex? Why can't they stay in sync? To keep us on our toes, I guess. Because you never know what's going to happen next.
Wondrful pacing, Estelle. Great opening. That sets the tone for the piece. "I'm still here and driving!" Good work.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
thank you all, Martin, what a sweet thought. Susan, yes it rings true,Mykell, when you figure it out let me know.
Sam, thanks for your kind comment.
So-o true! Retirement isn't always like the brochures... *
You bet, Kim, those brochures lie alot. Thanks for the read
I have heard about this very scenario... the man suddenly always home and around... me thinks the narrator should have just given him all the errands to do and retired in her own way, doing whatever she wanted!
I enjoyed this a lot.
Chrise, me thinks as you do. Me did-had much fun.
thanks alot
Straightforward and authoratative and witty and, for me, sad too. Fave.
James, you caught that life as I meant it to be. Thank you much. I appreciate the fav. You have made my day brighter.
Liked this Estelle. Oh the adjustment to retirement and each other at this time. Loved the pace of this piece.
It struck me very sad.
sorry it made you so sad Gloria, but I guess life is what it is. Have to go on, make the best of whatever.
Thanks for this
Crisp, enigmatic, and hmm, all too true!
thank you Jack, hope it tells all men a little of what Not To Do.
Love the unadorned truth told here, straight and easy but dark, dark...
written in truthful, plain language - this is beautiful and so honest.
Susan and Meg, so glad you liked the truth behind this.
Thank you both.
"but after 1 week that / death-us-do-part, parted us"
So sudden, so matter of fact, so effective.
The last line, Estelle, is a beautiful sentiment, a tribute really.
thank you Bill, for your nice comment. Yes, that last line is on the mark. Especially when I misplace something, and bingo, I find it where it should have been.
So heartfelt, so real. It's personal and universal at once, Estelle. I love how you did that.
thanks so much for all the feelings you read into this, Michelle