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February 1964

13151315 views22 comments33 favs

New York, New York The winter drizzle left the streets shiny like in movies and this night Manhattan looked like it should look, vibrant, clean and sparkling. It was…

Four Haikus

776776 views22 comments00 favs

The crow in darkness;visual palpitationsunder the street lamp. In the dark morningmy car disrupts the still cold;a blister on earth.Never mind the cat.The Japanese Peace Lillywill steal your last breath.The blacktop highway;a rough scab to cover thedeep man-cut…

A Life Lived In Outline

985985 views22 comments22 favs

He began life as we all do, an almost indeterminate blob. Ultrasound sonar plotting his outline on screen. The echo chambers of his beating heart dispelling the ectoplasmic impression of mere ghostly existence. His rudimentary …

Bread Sweaters

956956 views22 comments22 favs

We sat around the ocean table and ate eyes on ham

Fertile Ground

10261026 views22 comments11 fav

Miriam forced herself to focus on the kitchen door and on putting one foot in front of the other. “Is everything alright?” she heard Ada ask the family. “Of course, everything is fine,” the woman said. “What could be wrong other than the impossible serv

Micromanaged Truth

863863 views22 comments22 favs

Let your father stay through that dinner when his mistress needed him, while your mother was on the verge.

Cinnamon Doughnuts and a Neenish Tart

12091209 views22 comments33 favs

Mr Robertson chuckled gently as he caught the aroma of freshly cooked cinnamon doughnuts and watched the oil leave its fingerprints.


10221022 views22 comments11 fav

The feline apotheosis of Ish - Shroedinger’s cat.

on a long suburban plain

828828 views22 comments11 fav

We were stuck sweating it out on a long suburban plain when you left. Or else we’d mob the one visible hill (in Palos Hills, or Hillside) and turn the televisions on, looking behind us nervously, hopelessly, until every evening became a Wednesday evenin

fabulous birds

869869 views22 comments00 favs

Fabulous birds perched nearby, where we were. In their memory there goes the little god, original, in the midst of it all, happiness like anything near the river-mouth. Letting yourself dabble in the femaleness of it. In the lower world or on the playin

Walking My Lobster Back Home

774774 views22 comments00 favs

Gee but it’s great after being out late, Walking my lobster back home. There’s little risk that she’ll turn into bisque, Walking my lobster back home.

The Book

807807 views22 comments11 fav

“Are you comparing the communists with Hitler?” “Are you telling me there is no comparison?"

twelve tines

969969 views22 comments22 favs

till the tiny death may we remain true, me and you, to our flesh and blood and sinew, the springs and silver in our tiny hearts with vicious teeth and a hard bone need to fuck


918918 views22 comments22 favs

Steve lowers himself onto a lounge chair and lets out a long, overdue sigh. Cliff and Jim, the frickin’ and frackin’ of the built-in pool industry, are making a Burger Chef run while the cement sets.

The Technicolour Hours

798798 views22 comments11 fav

The other night / I dreamt I was an astronaut

God and Man at Yale

10941094 views22 comments11 fav

“Well, of course I served in the CIA . . . everybody did, back then!” he says with a grin. “Two goddamn bloody well years . . . I was a regular Nayland Smith, I tell you. …

This Is Why

10101010 views22 comments00 favs

Look at this castle: fashioned from the sturdiest sand, pages of my name

The Bridge

12621262 views22 comments11 fav

The Bridge Barstow had not wanted to listen to Griff. Griff was not making the right decisions, or he thought Griff was not making the right decisions. Thought he was walking a…

Rope & Bone

886886 views22 comments00 favs

Speaking in tongues untranslatable, they move in experimental spacesuits, uneasy in the other's gravity. (To say nothing of the difficulty of dancing.)

The In-Transit Report of Henry J. Worthmore, Jr.

837837 views22 comments11 fav

The In-Transit Steering Committee would like to thank The Divine Arranger for sending us Mr. Worthmore. As Your Most Austere Presence knows, we’ve had a rather difficult few months of late, what with all the disasters and wars taking place around the pla


10181018 views22 comments22 favs

a name is what you are, and a name is a wall between. one day let me be earth, so you may be allowed to say you love me. for now i am separate. i'm afraid that's how i will die, and …


902902 views22 comments11 fav

We are nerds. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us bitch.

Have to Find a Way

875875 views22 comments11 fav

I have to find a way To evolve To become To grow into something else To become something else I have to find a way To let go Loosen my firm grasp Watch it all fall away Let myself fall away Drop this act This weight This mess of a life This mess I…

Burning Trash

12531253 views22 comments11 fav

Boys start fires all the time— it's a rite of passage— so when your father gives you the task of setting fire to the family's trash, you don't mind, and when the flames ignite inside the old dishwasher he heaved into the woods behind the house, you…

What happens when you listen too much

914914 views22 comments00 favs

It's definitely not her pretty face that made him smile so quirkily when she returned in the evening.

A Break in the Cloud

10521052 views22 comments00 favs

Each had jostled and laboured for his or her place upon the blunt outcrop, in the cold persistent darkness, where the outcrop was merely something that had fallen and not quite been washed away.


997997 views22 comments00 favs

I gazed into her soft eyes. I was a little scared. This...this meant something.We'd "accidentally" played footsies and I could feel my lonely feet finally touching the floor."Please listen carefully to these safety instructions — even if you are a frequent flyer…

forget the past

706706 views22 comments11 fav

Forget the past, its heavy arms sunken at last into the waters of the underworld, crushed and oppressed. Its murders, its slaughter, its laws. Killed there, sacrificed, assassinated. All dust, every powder that is the father of history. Knees that h

Dust and Blood

12881288 views22 comments00 favs

A black wind raced ahead of the Merbreth and Juko could smell the thing's fur, matted with the blood of men. The coppery scent mingled with the fear coming off the men around him, a fear so palpable it became a tangible thing, something to be tripped over

'So I fucked Beavis ... so WHAT??'

17691769 views22 comments11 fav