How could you run from me now?
The loneliest child in the house
The loneliest child in the house
Don't let me out
Don't let me out
Come to me Calvary Hill
I'm breathing and sleeping, but still
I'm seeping inside of a dungeon house
This noose —
This noose could kill
Counting repetitive days
I'm breathing, outside it rains
You stuck me inside of this cage
Alone I am
I am displacing
Come to me, no matter how gray
For I'm the ugliest brain
For I'm the loneliest brain
The progeny of wrath
The reckless waste.
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The author has not attached a note to this story.
This poem revealed its depth as it spiraled into a dark and heart-penetrating revelation, which could be read as spiritual/religious or confessional. Well done.
loved this poem.
do you have a method or philosophy to making your poems?