52 1 1
1198 2 1
The Mojave Desert remembers Ron Paul
With tattered billboards
Scraped and clawed by vehement dust
1729 3 2
We are the generation who tattoo our stories on our bodies, who pierce what appears impenetrable; we fly our scars like pennants.
1296 2 2
When the sky was thinner and water faster, we would chase the falling stars.
1574 2 1
It was too young to be love.
We were 5,
a buzz-cut me,
and you,
plated with babyteeth
1222 0 0
She administers the alkaloids slowly,
soaking the muscles in blight,
the body tissue beneath into corrosion.
1254 0 0
For you –
because you deserve more effort
1627 6 5
My Grandma caressed
my sleeping Grandfather’s feet
as we sat in his hospital room after hours.
1253 2 1
How could you run from me now?
The loneliest child in the house
1130 0 0
I wear my gun so it shows,
so everyone knows.
1057 2 1
Like the willow she stands alone, swaying.
1152 5 0
1189 0 0
But I am quite sure,
in my loneliness,
there is nothing that aches inside me more,
than a desire to persist.
267 1 1
5:57, and sunlight insinuates itself under my eyelids. today I wake up to the noise of time slowing to a mere trickle. today I wake up and I can't remember where I am or what your name was. I feel you fading into nothing but a…
1219 0 0
Gone Heather,
with her hands in her hair,
silent for help,
over-involved now scared.