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What You Get

10101010 views22 comments11 fav

In moving crowds I plan to break you.

Myra's Lighthouse

10431043 views22 comments22 favs

I’ve been mentally cataloging all the various ways Myra has fucked me up. I know this is a dangerous game, strapped to our seats inches apart and hurling down the road at 70 mph, but I can’t help fiddling with the fuse.

running naked through your dreams

829829 views22 comments11 fav

How can you stop a man from running naked through your dreams? I want to know. This ought to be taught, somewhere. In schools, or somewhere. I could never stop you from doing what you wanted with me, and didn’t want to either. You had complete leave of

Out of His League

922922 views22 comments00 favs

He strikes out with this one...

An Irrational Poem

11531153 views22 comments11 fav

Hollywood is the land of the slow no.

Second verse, same as the first

13221322 views22 comments22 favs

Most people assume I’m gay, and have assumed I’m gay since I was in fifth grade. Maybe sooner. Maybe fifth grade is just my first memory of recognizing what other people believed true about me. But coming out as a gay man in 1987, when I was in fifth gra

#2 Feeding Fire (Poetry)

10431043 views22 comments11 fav

It is like truth on the battle field. Muted

A Nice Girl Is Like Powder

850850 views22 comments33 favs

A nice girl is like powder, quick to anger, fresh, impudent, too quick to know what expletives fate speaks. It was a cold year for trash talk and sheer silk. And yes, the fox was smoking, who could attract or irritate a nice girl with the same look, a wom

Taking it Easy

917917 views22 comments22 favs

At the Winslow Funeral Home in Winslow, Arizona, just like in the Eagles’ 70s song “Take It Easy,” only I’m not taking it easy.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 1

11601160 views22 comments22 favs

In those days everyone ate poetry for lunch. It was considered essential for your good up-bringing and mental health. We would skip a meal in order to satisfy our hunger for words. To hell with a meal. To hell with dirty politics and meaningless wars on o


847847 views22 comments11 fav

I know what that coast was like, where you went. A coarse country filled with malodorous women that sang from the shores. Groups of nine stripped to the waist. Some with braids hanging down their back. Garden beauties. Visual porticos, with their floral

A Pantry of Unusual Sounds

761761 views22 comments11 fav

The cabinets in D’s kitchen are a pantry of unusual sounds. It is where they are stored.

Waist Deep in Tissue Packs

904904 views22 comments22 favs

It didn't matter if they burned or not.

Into The Night

762762 views22 comments11 fav

Under a conspiratorial moon… the shovel my silent partner… organ-less torso to the worms.

Mark Twain's Typewriter

899899 views22 comments11 fav

Did I refer to Mark Twain’s typewriter as an animal? Did I call it a hyena? I would not say that about Mark Twain’s typewriter.


995995 views22 comments11 fav

I stared at these meteor impacts, feeling far away, a lone sentient cloud admiring the scoured yet wondrous earth-of-this-girl below me, the lean slope of her side, the soft dip of her neck, the sharp edge of her cheekbone, the monarch wing of her eyelash

Model Home

977977 views22 comments11 fav

In the living room of a model home, Mr. Jorgensen lived. He was a mannequin. He spent his days in display windows. He spent his commutes displaying the latest model cars.

Nut Breakers Hill

10971097 views22 comments11 fav

they flew down the slopes with her holding on for all she was worth

The Untold Story

11151115 views22 comments11 fav

I kept a journal for so many years I've forgotten everything I wrote.

Vivian Considers Vivian

780780 views22 comments00 favs

She's been considering her breasts more now.

A Start

752752 views22 comments00 favs

I don’t like telling stories. I’m far too honest and give far too many things away.

How To Dismantle A Bell

943943 views22 comments22 favs

Pictures of war correspondents from The Tribune, and colonial photographs in a fruit crate

Nervous-WRECK *VEEK*

854854 views22 comments11 fav

[Scumbag scumbag ― fuck you!!! Stop reading this it's my private JOURNAL!!! Thanks. ;) ]

Homage to Jack

13431343 views22 comments44 favs

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Party in Sierra Madre Canyon

710710 views22 comments11 fav

“You’re just like me,” she said, as dawn was breaking. “You like sex.”

Heart Apart

877877 views22 comments22 favs

Yes, I had pulled my own heart apart Yes, I had slipped up on time itself In its own backyard behind my memories And scared the crap out of it By not yelling, just sniffing at its neck Longingly, tearing it apart with my teeth Wishing I had

For Your Consideration

705705 views22 comments22 favs

Are there places that words cannot go? Consider words going where they were never intended to go.

Big Blue

467467 views22 comments22 favs

Standing on the edge of the great shelf

A Way of Life

13511351 views22 comments00 favs

Nothing more savory than gossip relayed in confidential tones.

In The Arms of Veronica

854854 views22 comments00 favs

Her smile was a cliff I stood on, trying to wrangle some kind of hope from the whites of her teeth. I heard the sound of the buzzer from the door on my ward. She stood there, a sickly ash tree, each limb flailing about like she was drowning in my sea of a