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11671167 views33 comments11 fav

It's London Zoo and ten minutes to closing time. The clock walks in and out of cages. I love you baby when you laugh like that at monkeys.Penguin and pelican, wing in wing, approaching. It's some bird act, I know. Two birds from nowhere. One flies, one walks.The zoo…


971971 views33 comments00 favs

Just because I’m suicidal doesn’t mean I don’t care about whacking my head on some service railing ten stories down. The fact that I’m going to jump doesn’t lessen my fear of propellers or a broken back.

I’m Not a Needy Film Project

17311731 views33 comments22 favs

Thanks to the popular funding platform Kickstarter, I am finally getting my life in order with the help of generous people like you. Dating in this economy, without a job, is surprisingly expensive.

Goodbye Uncle Jack

882882 views33 comments11 fav

He fought off the U-boat packs in the Atlantic — one hand on the tiller, one on the torpedo launch button.

The Abyss at the End of Life

589589 views33 comments22 favs

When I hear her voice Repeating over and over Will you help me? Will you help me? I get very, very sad Have you seen Rose and Fanny? She asks They died 30 years ago, dear Oh Will you help me? Over and over Will you help me? I g


11491149 views33 comments22 favs

“Hi. I’m Rita Bates,” I had said. “Can I sit here? The boy who introduced himself as Thomas told me I could, so I did, and his friends all introduced themselves in turn. Around the table there was Bev, Ernest, someone whose name started with an F – maybe

The Overfilled Silence

888888 views33 comments33 favs

At the Rest Home for Silence We are teenagers At best I have to admit I fell asleep on the bus On the way to the Rest Home For Silence And I woke up To the noise Coming from the Overfilled silence It's the overfilled silenc

Amanda Palmer

11151115 views33 comments33 favs

Amanda Palmer's explaining the eyebrow thing. An altercation with someone at Roadrunner, or maybe old boyfriend shit to burn— She's animated but he's losing signal, filling in the blanks himself. Whatever, it won't light at first, and then WHUMP and she…

When technology fails

989989 views33 comments00 favs

But Jeffrey was flabbergasted and couldn’t explain to the officer why he was speeding. All he could manage to get out as an attack of Tourette syndrome hit were nasty, flamboyant obscenities. The Alabama state trooper wasn’t amused.

Take the 40 Million Years Without Sex Challenge!

13381338 views33 comments22 favs

Scientists have determined that a tiny freshwater organism known as the "bdelloid rotifer" gave up sex 40 million years ago. And you thought the spark had gone out of your marriage.

The Wolves of Night Time Wrinkle Their Noses at the Thought of Running Towards the Sun, But Do it Any Ways

13361336 views33 comments22 favs

Jesus was a cancer survivor and possibly a super nova.He ran with the Wolves of night time, with the women of the paleolithic era and hunted for meat when the blood didn't drip to their feet and create veritable red shoes like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.I am no longer in…

The Invisible Woman

11581158 views33 comments11 fav

"She saw they were absorbed in making faces at each other with a smartphone app that enlarged a mouth."

End of Chapter Questions for an Imaginary Textbook

16501650 views33 comments33 favs

Describe how like or unlike a vagina a peach pit is, using no anatomical words.

Marie - the Waif

12291229 views33 comments22 favs

Just let anyone else lay a finger on me or say the wrong thing when Victor is around... He is very protective. I am only to be beaten by him.


11181118 views33 comments00 favs

“Jerome always came to play with ideas. It was like he was already thinking about it before we started. I loved his ideas. It caused me to think about it as well. We did variations on a theme and there was always a goal. Sometimes it was to grow and deliv

My Whole Life Story (Again and Again)

10781078 views33 comments33 favs

When John wakes up, the first thing he does is run a bath, because his shower is broken, and while the bath is running he gets his breakfast ready.

His Name Was Tokarsky, But He Looked Like Bob Dylan

994994 views33 comments33 favs

Tokarsky and I got chased off an El train by a couple of mean-looking black dudes who looked like they were going to crush us. I let go a spritz of tear gas that I had on me in the train and we ran as it came to a stop at the Morris Street stop. They chas

First Lives

17131713 views33 comments33 favs

There are some, I am told, who never see the dead, though I am as yet unable to believe it.

The Centre of the Universe

11171117 views33 comments11 fav

"Look Emily, I’m charging your solar powered calculator and helping you relieve your dependence on foreign oil."

Dotting every 'i'

13131313 views33 comments22 favs

“Why is it that you give a woman a bit of power and she turns into a man” said a new intern from the copying room “You can hear her balls rubbing on the carpet as she walks”

The Last Fly of Summer

11101110 views33 comments22 favs

"...leafing through the SEBRING 100 WALLAMATIC record selector..."

Checklist For My Next Lover

10371037 views33 comments11 fav

You’re a glimpse at immortality, a pathway to transcend the body, to the sphere just outside, where time ceases to matter and the ball of the sun grows warm in our bellies. I’ll love you more than the next lover and never as much as the lovers before y

days of rational belief and mythical thought

884884 views33 comments22 favs

medieval the new:/days of rational belief/and mythical thought.

The Glass Shop

979979 views33 comments00 favs

She burst Into the glass shop

Dream of the Sea

929929 views33 comments22 favs

I knew there was something wrong with the sunset when I woke up.

Graduation (For My Mother)

12841284 views33 comments33 favs

I know I’m slipping into my mother’s skin. I answer the phone with her voice; her hands grind the coffee beans. And who is this listening to NPR in the morning while the fresh-faced girls in the neighborhood trudge toward school,, peonies han

Selling A Wedding Ring

11231123 views33 comments00 favs

I somehow ended up with my father's second wife's wedding ring. Although it could actually be his third wife's wedding ring.


805805 views33 comments22 favs

A young woman in shorts removes her sunglasses, putting them on top of her head in order to study the little girl sitting on her father’s lap on the bus. “I want to get me one of those,” she says, with her dark eyes smiling.

February 16, 2006

11101110 views33 comments22 favs

When we arriveand are met by strange friendsstrange like the fog on the redreed mudflatsthat span the low tide around Incheon -When we arrivecarrying so much we will not needlike the bus they hire to take us through the darksix people to fill so much more space - When…

The Reading

625625 views33 comments11 fav

His wife leans her head against a beam with her eyes closed while he reads out loud. Her mouth shut tightly, almost twisted shut. She’s so weary. She raises her collar and sinks further into her neck. When he shouts, or explodes – nothing.