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Not Lao-tzu's Magna Carta, lxxiii - lxxxi

955955 views55 comments44 favs

proper words fail to get proper points across . . . truthful words have no beauty,/beautiful words have no truth.

Big City

13651365 views55 comments11 fav

She takes her hamburgers medium rare and the pickles remind her of the taste of last night's penis before she stuffed the stranger's apologies in a jar.

Home Land

10201020 views55 comments33 favs

At times we rarely desire to be where we are at home quite as much as we desire to be where we are no longer.

Big Secrets

18431843 views55 comments44 favs

O’Malley imagined the blissful, narcotic innocence of Toby’s world where soft-shell crabs crawled into people’s mouths and hummed a happy tune as they were chewed and swallowed.

The Tour(ette's) Guide

963963 views55 comments33 favs

There is a woman in here- I am never alone- but she is fully clothed in Detroit Derby Dolls gear and stands at a modest seven inches tall.

Interior: Classroom

934934 views55 comments33 favs

No girl hits hard enough.


879879 views55 comments33 favs

His eyes begin to glisten like hot green wax pooling around the wick of a pretty little candle.

Pastiche No 19

283283 views55 comments33 favs

Remember Ben Nevis? Trying to reach the summit,seeming to take forever until it seemed to take a second,some song (not heard before or since) playing maniacally on someinstrument in our heads,or maybe it was just in mine.Familiar …


11331133 views55 comments55 favs

Crawl to the dark places I love most, loud music and off key laughter, glimmering green and brown bottles eagerly holding the dim lights overhead inside themselves like ransomed stars.

Your Love Life

12591259 views55 comments22 favs

Maintaining a healthy love life requires effort and professional advice, and Your Love Life columnist would be happy to assist you.

Small Boat Row Told Through a Roughed Out Dungeon Window

10131013 views55 comments55 favs

The princess knew exactly where to find the annoying gurgling frog of her childhood, but she wasn't wearing the right shoes to step onto lily pads with, so she decided there and then to take a stolen boat out onto that soft mission, all by herself instead. It was a…

Garden of Allah

34253425 views55 comments77 favs

(after Joan Didion) (after Charles Dickens)The car is guttering and at first I do not hear him clearly. The antenna is broken and the wipers are loud. he comes in better when I'm off the freeway. “We must forget about material things.” …

Assiduity Seven

11551155 views55 comments44 favs

Uzma dashes up the stairs ahead of me . . .


11821182 views55 comments55 favs

She called it EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Basically, it means training a part of your brain to longer associate trauma with a specific side of the brain. This meant that she had to direct all traffic of the repressed memory to a new…


20722072 views55 comments55 favs

I made this robot. Everyone was making them. Mine was a vacuum cleaner with a rubber jack-o-lantern mask taped to the handle. His name was Z-Bot2131F, but I just called him Brady, after my dead brother. Brady, my brother, had come out cold, and…

Birthday Boy

11061106 views55 comments00 favs

The sound of it wasn't right in his head yet. When he said it aloud he didn't really believe it.

Hearts in Exurbia

14591459 views55 comments11 fav

Silent Murf was largely toothless, and the gaze from his eyes diverged in opposing directions; his skinny arms were a fancywork of jailhouse tattoos and what appeared to be scabbed-over claw marks.

Cast list for a play

11481148 views55 comments22 favs

Felix, vigorous vendor of Viagra and part-time picture framer, well-fed and fond and faithless as his spouse

The Snake Pit

10831083 views55 comments11 fav

They come in my room without knocking and I'm nekkid.

Catalog of Backgrounds

11491149 views55 comments55 favs

nowhere after nowhere


12271227 views55 comments55 favs

What Did We Fight Over?

I Laughed at the Ants

10931093 views55 comments44 favs

It IS good, right?

The Code of Hammurabi

11351135 views55 comments55 favs

We pull up chairs. I breathe in her Bath and Body Works vanilla, read her paper slowly and aloud because the ears catch what the eyes miss. Her sentences are awkward, stilted.


12611261 views55 comments55 favs

The jewels were dragonflies, buzzing lazily, Beelzebub’s hair a golden meadow.

In Machu Picchu

12011201 views55 comments11 fav

"I wonder what happened to Murder Man and Lust Girl?" wondered The Black Toadstool. The Anti-Justice League were in Machu Picchu, on a short vacation after taking over most of South America and the South Pole. The South Pole had been so easy. …


13291329 views55 comments33 favs

She wants her mother back and all I can give her is this—over and over. She doesn't want my mouth, wants no kissing anywhere even. Just this. Like this—quiet and rough. Quiet because her stepfather is napping in the bedroom next to…


14031403 views55 comments44 favs

On the television, a round woman sits amongst the mannequins. She wears a headband. She describes some awesome jewelry.

Déjà Vu Sur l’Herbe

11651165 views55 comments55 favs

While watching the ever-present crowds passing by on my insides, I noticed, by accident, a man smiling who might have been me, not sure. Maybe I’m eating soap for the first time, because I am either frothing or foaming at the mouth. An


811811 views55 comments55 favs

My God is not a God of chance, she said.The year was youth and it was our first dance.She wanted to make sure we agreedlove is for God and lust is for Satan.Of course I do, I said. You're safe with me.Neither of us had moves and were relievedto stand in the corner and…


11551155 views55 comments22 favs

and the other guy goes