A bicycle is beneath it.
On the ground just beyond lay a body.
Nearby pedestrians form a pool of recurrent gestures.
On a level related to the first from recurrences emerges a waveform.
It passes through a cafe as A inclines toward B.
Beyond, a construction crew has punctured an underground passage.
Hissing through the opening, the spirits have no place.
Beyond, in the next town over, a boy is reading the middle section of a very short story.
In the story, A is on a train heading to the next town over at the same time as B, in the next town over, is on a train heading in the opposite direction.
Beyond, a car has stopped.
On the ground just beyond lay a body.
On a level related to the first, recurrence is emergent.
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141 words
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I think the piece works whether or not you chase this link:
which is the point of departure for the title and machinery of the piece.
This story has no tags.
Whoa. *
I like the movement in the language - point to point. Great form, Stephen.
thanks much for the reads, comments & lovely stars. this was fun to make. difficult to find the balance of abstraction/accessibility (elusive like the scarlet pimpernel)....
i'm curious: did you read this with or without chasing the link?
I'm going to hit the link in a minute. I'm guessing these are the words beneath comic strip frames. Whatever. The idea is good. Visually. Setout is so important. So many writers completely overlook this aspect. As for publishers, don't start me.
Also websites. Scribd no better than most. All this incessant scrolling. Couldn't see the obvious connection to your piece, so I gave up.