Geneviève's Voice

by Christine Daffe

Since its opening last September, The Cargo is getting more and more popular. 

High ceilings and large full height windows with a view on the bay are very much appreciated.

The décor makes people happy. It consists of sextants, anchors, ocean maps and all kinds of zinzins recalling erstwhile activities at the port. Some sailors are part of it too (servers are dressed with a blue and white striped shirt and topped with a bobble hat). 

The Cargo occupies the first floor of an ancient warehouse. The place is big, real big, with one huge area for dancing and another one for drinking and talking. In-between, a petite hall gives access to the restrooms and to one heavy steel door displaying the words "emergency exit only".

I am standing there. At The Cargo, I am reading over and over again the words "emergency exit only".