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The Colored Paper that Folded Itself Into a Singing Cricket

903903 views55 comments55 favs

Sometimes the beauty just makes you want to say aaahhh. There are a lot of things floating around, so it's no wonder that some things get sadly lost, like minds,like people, like feelings. It doesn't make anything spin any less. That's what keeps us centered…

My Stuff

10521052 views55 comments33 favs

Crass, vulgar, boorish, impaired, angry, depressed, jealous, regretful.

Love in the Time of the NASA Mars Rover

963963 views55 comments33 favs

I've lost the remote control to my brain

In my day...

10031003 views55 comments66 favs

In my day, you could buy a polythene bag of cigarette butts for 5p. And everyone had a proper haircut.In my day, plumbers gave free vasectomies whilst reciting patriotic poems. And all the buses were red.In my day, there was always more than enough sex to go round, with…

The perfectly banal postcards...

10861086 views55 comments11 fav

“There are so few uses for Crisco, that to keep it in the house seems an unnecessary temptation,” said my health teacher.

It's the New Age of Bullshit

10171017 views55 comments55 favs

They’re young and haughty. 27’s still a long ways off. They read about the famous, not the dead. Dusty dragonflies will not land upon them, and they are really only in love with the dishwasher. Now there’s a problem. Poetry is dead,

Midwestern Charm

959959 views55 comments33 favs

He slathered the glue on my scalp and talked non-stop about Harlem. Electrodes or nodes, I never asked which, would measure something inside my head. I doubt they actually did though, measure anything. I've had the pleasure of having wires glued to my skull before and have…

The Faraday Effect

11931193 views55 comments11 fav

Because he tells her to, she puts on a vintage Easter dress one size too small and sprawls in a circle of light on the dusty floor...

Menelaus Supporting Patroclus

10061006 views55 comments22 favs

He remembers, he touches, he lifts and kisses the mouth.

Larger Than Life

10661066 views55 comments66 favs

She told me one way to deal with it would be to put everything in a box and burn it.

Fill In the Void

762762 views55 comments22 favs

I’m not in the habit of just hanging out on the corner handing out “free stuff,” you know. I figured it was going to cost you. But I was wrong. It cost me instead. You can only float near the ceiling when you’ve become an emptied vessel. No hope or

Eggshell White Frigidaire

11841184 views55 comments55 favs

He ran for home, screaming for help in the silent ravine.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 31

11381138 views55 comments44 favs

I was always bi-polar. I didn’t realize it was a mental illness until my divorce lawyer had the court order a psychiatric analysis.

New Homes / New Fears

11721172 views55 comments55 favs

How would you like to leave the land of your ancestors, the place of your birth, the home of your identity?

When Mistakes Are Made

792792 views55 comments11 fav

He also looked at the tv with a detachment he sensed was dangerous and the sensation scared him so he ran into the kitchen and felt ashamed alone in the hot room and trembled.

Testing, Testing

796796 views55 comments11 fav

I awoke sweating like a Mormon at an anti-bigamy conference.

Wonder Boy Wonder

794794 views55 comments33 favs

He knew it was messed up and wrong, but sometimes she was the last thing he’d see before the dam burst. It made him feel both the best and the worst.

The Babies

953953 views55 comments55 favs

We jam into the green tent as it begins to rain. His casket is covered with flowers and there is the picture you took of him, the day you climbed the fire tower from where you could see forever, past his smiling face the bars and a million changing leaves.His pregnant girl…

The Ghost

952952 views55 comments44 favs

I wrapped my arms around each of them ran my hands over their face, and kissed their lips. "Why are they dreaming?" I asked.

Missing Bananas

522522 views55 comments55 favs

He's no fruit lover.

The Urine Pearls

13341334 views55 comments00 favs

“No, dad, I've never seen urine colored pearls.”

Dear Caddy

10571057 views55 comments44 favs

I would advise the younger you to change your underpants, and not to let those boys do the talking for you.

Event Particle

10651065 views55 comments33 favs

She is a manifold of temporal flows.

An association game with the word 'guilt' (or how (not) to die inside)

10261026 views55 comments22 favs

The past operates with incredible gravity. Powerful, efficient, deceptive. Thin, sleek cords sent out by it attach themselves to your back, your legs, your buttocks, the back of your head. Resist. Walk. One leg after another. Easy does it, like a baby. Do


12591259 views55 comments55 favs

While the other kids blew bubbles, Maddy clung to my neck. She didn't cry or scream, and she held on loosely, not with the death grip some kids have. For five Wednesday afternoons, Maddy wrapped her pudgy arms over my shoulders and rested her bottom on m

Naked Coffee

977977 views55 comments22 favs

My wife makes coffee naked. Didn't used to. Back then, before the accident, she hated her body. Says that's why she gave it to me. She's serious about it too. The coffee, I mean. Developed a whole ritual around buying, measuring, pouring. Every day it's the…

An Attempt at Reconciling with the Non-Existent

901901 views55 comments33 favs

dealing with an over-aged imaginary friend gone rogue


974974 views55 comments55 favs

Summer nights or frozen winter, the crackles of his black.

Librarians! Are You A Book Whisperer, A Truth Wizard, Or an Information Goddess?

37483748 views55 comments44 favs

I'm not a librarian. I'm an Information Goddess.

The Wood Hover (a parody of GM Hopkins)

605605 views55 comments22 favs

My trousers turn when her these eyesights earn is learned in light,Like limn of laugh or limbs hers — do I know her, no? — but gauzy Greyhair ravings greyscale havens of Old Jake whose floozy Wooed, ne'er raised the wood that, pencil-perched, arrests…