by Darryl Price
During the outpouring of our newly discovered grief oh how we danced, electrical,
into oblivion, maybe once, twice. It was to
all to be expected, but not everything you
feel is always real. After all the dust may
settle, but it gets easily stirred up again into
some kind of consciousness that can be blessed with the right kind of magic. We'll make it happen if we want it to.
We're not the only ones who share the star dust. Their one lasting mistake has
always been a debate about size. Truth is
there are sizes within sizes that pack just
as powerful a punch as the next sun will.
You can't just live at the atomic level, but
why would you want to when you can
be among those fabulous others who breathe and appreciate trees?
You don't need to fix your tribe—they
will find you among themselves. Of course if
you are the selfish sort then you won't get
that small reference either, and again, it doesn't really matter, because
you can't change the nature of those radiant beams of yours. You
can bend your thoughts upon any of the passing by lights, but
in the end you'll be blinded by dreams just
like everyone else.Don't forget to go to
bed tonight knowing that your place in the
universe is universal. Stars are there simply to outline
this well-known fact in a beautiful way, so who
ever thought that up, thank you a million times.In the
meantime, relax, you're floating on top of a
billion or more hungry mouths. One of them is bound
to pay you some rapt attention soon enough. I know I am.
Wallowing against
death doesn't
work any better now
than before.
3.Dark Blue Sky in a Bucket
I meant to show you
something beautiful
but by Sunday a curious rain had a
much more pungent charm to its name.
4.Lonely Girl
She walks in beauty
alright, but no one's
listening and nobody
cares that she
rustles the universal gate
wherever she goes.
5.Here's a Little Love Song
Here's a love song that means
absolutely nothing to anyone anymore.
It might be beautiful still.
It might only flower
once in a thousand years.
You can't stop these kinds of
miraculous things from suddenly
happening. All I'm saying is
I noticed there is
a moment of real beauty
in our lives that we
already share and it
is constantly changing, but the fact,
the fact that it appeared
at all is reason enough
to believe in ourselves being here
tonight. They might need
more concrete evidence than that,
but I say, look at it for yourselves.
Either you see love
or you don't. Look again.
6.I wanted you to want to share the world
with me. That was at least a lie I was willing to tell myself of
some sort. It became a curse
instead of a grace and that
only makes the wind an empty-
handed messenger at best. Love broke.
I wish it was a different
story. Others have received
a much kinder package in the mail.
It's true that many have squandered
that rare blessing on restaurants, but I
don't need your forgiveness. I admit I once
saw a tear on a bed of
opening roses, but my ship
was already deep in the water, M'Lady.
My head was already
searching through the clouds for a Never Land I only ever
knew from various dreams. That boy grew into
a man and still he did
not reach shore. And now you tell
me I need only ask the stars
for one more favor to please
your pretty face at last. Here is my
hand in friendship, it was yours
for the taking all along, but nothing
more can be made to jump from
my fingers now. They are needed
to keep the wind at bay. Don't
worry. I am not frozen.
I am becoming what a
summer leaf used to be. Soon enough
I will join every bird and
the next journey shall begin in earnest.
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694 words
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This was me giving you everything I had in my eye sockets and realizing it was still not enough to tell you what I wanted to tell you. I'm sorry.
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As with your last one, I appreciate the simplicity/directness of the single image
(and imagine the single image appreciates it too).
Love the single ambiguous images. Fave*
Good. I especially liked "Pig." *
Love blue sky, and
"It became a curse
instead of a grace and that
only makes the wind an empty-
handed messenger. Love broke. "
Yum. *
"in the end you'll be blinded by dreams / like everyone else."
"Either you see love / or you don't. Look again."
"Soon / I will join every bird and / the next journey will begin."
Your poems, amid their beauty, offer solace.