Her breasts rocked like a lullaby
Her breath was on me
Her teeth tongue and mouth were
A symphony and I captive
In her audience
Our server hastily offered up the terrace
“It's warm and sunny on the terrace, quite warm and sunny.”
If I could break the trance and pull myself together
Perhaps we could make a day of it
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TS Eliot's poems inspired this poem.
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That opening line is just lovely.
great title & inspiration well used in this poem, which works for me - both as a trance inducer and as an apt description of scene between man and woman. in fact, this inspired me just now to write something about man and woman myself. thank you!
Thank you Marcus and thank you too Susan.
Which Eliot poem? "Hysteria"?
Bill, yes Hysteria. It's one of my absolute favorites by him. And of course there's Prufrock (which I memorized).