Most discussed stories

Tough Guy

649649 views99 comments77 favs

He remembers his father’s concrete slab hands. Balled into fists they resembled kettlebells.

1939, What I wanted

10611061 views99 comments66 favs

...when suddenly I was pushed from behind, smack into the deep end.

The Polymath

12861286 views99 comments55 favs

Now that I am dead, my god will fight your god...

Independent Assiduity, part one

11251125 views99 comments33 favs

This is me pitching a recently completed screenplay to a film producer at lunch the other day:

140 Words on Solitude and Being Alone

922922 views99 comments44 favs

As a child I drowned myself in the pages of books, and as a writer I prefer to be left alone with my imagination.

If Dogs Should Come

17781778 views99 comments55 favs

do not run

Fictionaut or Not? Write On.

10251025 views99 comments11 fav

Okay, I'm here; I'm participating. Enjoying the back & forth with other writers. Waiting for penises and fetuses to move down the "Most Recent" list, but working around them. Well, that's kind of unintentionally visual.This essay, like many other reads on here, is…


11061106 views99 comments88 favs

It turned out Eel’s brain corrects for imbalance, and he can only feel danger for a moment or two.

Real As Your Underwear

12861286 views99 comments77 favs

when unicorns took to flight / the poles shifted / the world flooded / and Pangaea busted open like calloused palm

Night Talk

10961096 views99 comments99 favs

She said, "Tonight let's talk of things untrue and he said, ' Like black is white and night is day and up is down and in is out?' and she said, 'Yeah, those things we know to be false for sure like you know, like...well, you could say, 'I really love you' and I could say,…

The Fact of the Matter

10201020 views99 comments77 favs

Jeanne and I were married for eight years. I never knew her.

The Sweetness of Youth

11841184 views99 comments88 favs

On my twenty-second birthday, in the spring of 1979, I had a crawfish boil, my first. Ninety pounds of red mudbugs on a picnic table spread with newspaper, my birthday cake sitting at the end of the table like an afterthought.I hadn't…

Interlude in Trader Joe's Parking Lot

740740 views99 comments88 favs

I'm pulled in by the music like a rogue wave and he has no idea I'm drowning...


782782 views99 comments44 favs

Alas, the wind, the rain/ and plate tectonics take temples,/ fire and sediment papyrus and clay,


14361436 views99 comments77 favs

we wipe the blood of our progress from our hands.


11361136 views99 comments99 favs

The last one I tipped over the edge was just like all the others: fragile, pale, humming to himself as he sat on the ledge overlooking the gardens.

The Straps and the Electric

409409 views99 comments55 favs

The winter sun was going down and she watched it out the window.Light like shards of glass,time had melted.It took hold.She was held down by brown leather straps and she couldremember the smell of incense and little hands and little eyesof an infant cold on the bed.She…


12271227 views99 comments44 favs

We shot out the windows of an abandoned building nearby so as to trick them into thinking we’d had snipers stationed in that building. They shot at the abandoned building.

Leave Off Doves

14501450 views99 comments33 favs

Midway through the fall semester, an unremarkable girl in Professor Woody's Advanced Fiction workshop dyed her hair an unnatural shade of dark, changed her name to Tasmina, and turned in a story filled with made-up words.

The Depth of the Dust

773773 views99 comments33 favs

Can anyone remember what the Great American dream was?

Birds Fly

961961 views99 comments66 favs

Birds fly and people hurry in the wind and rain like it's a matter of pity.

Stretching to Understand

12281228 views99 comments33 favs

You looked like someone I didn't want to know. I guess that's why I got in the car that night. My penchant for self-destruction was aroused by your black nail polish and the lavender circles under your eyes. You looked like someone that could hurt me, yeah, that's why I got…

The Green Bench

11531153 views99 comments66 favs

Listen to him barking in the night. Fear shifts on the bed next to you, hogging the covers. Stare at the ceiling and wonder what to do. Forget his birthday. Forget he is forty-two. Forget the phone call from Berkeley twenty-one years…

Granny Medicine

775775 views99 comments77 favs

Antibiotic ointment didn't help. Maybe Granny medicine would.

Glory at the Motel 6

13331333 views99 comments77 favs

Rory and Betty Sloan entered the first of 40 rooms in the new Motel 6 to place Holy Bibles in 40 night tables.


773773 views99 comments88 favs

What will become/ of the resource-sucking poor


15011501 views99 comments66 favs

In the evidence of broad daylight, in the secrecy of darkness, in drizzling rain that teased the embers, Annabelle worked hard.


16171617 views99 comments44 favs

I hate walking into restaurants and cafes by myself to meet someone. I always feel awkward, as if no one will claim me. I'm hanging on the threshold now for an agonizing few moments scanning the room until I see my friend.“Hi!” she says, waving her cup at…

T.S. Eliot On His Deathbed

12141214 views99 comments66 favs

I guess at the end you’re only looking forward. Or upward actually, since you can only lie there on your back looking upward, straight ahead toward infinity, your mouth in a grimace, with the ghostly pink lips peeled back from the teeth.

The People Who Won't Get Back to Me

12761276 views99 comments11 fav

Literary agents, also editors, But most assuredly not my creditors, Someday they won’t mean jack to me— The people who won’t get back to me.