by Con Chapman
Seppuku was performed by slicing the abdomen open with a dagger (tanto), and moving the blade from right to left, a method known as hara kiri. It came to be performed in a ritualistic manner in front of spectators, if not on a battlefield following defeat.
The samurai was bathed, dressed ceremonially in white robes, and fed his favorite meal. When he had finished, his tanto was placed on a plate in front of him. The warrior would prepare for death by writing a death poem, or zetsumei-shi. Sometimes the samurai would begin the ritual and then write his poem in his own blood.
It is autumn now,
wind chills the bones. So like the
turn of the seasons,
my time has come. We are like
the wind, felt in the present,
forgotten once we are gone.
I have known the wife
of Minamato Dokan;
now I feel the shame
of a base philanderer.
I have brought disgrace to the
honor of my master's house.
My Lord struck a man
in anger, in the presence
of the shogun. Now we,
his loyal samurai, must
perform seppuku. But first,
we shall lure the retainer
to his death, cut off his head.
I set out to do
great things; it is evening,
the harvest moon peers through clouds.
A leaf falls, twisting
in the breeze that stirs the limbs.
Barren, I have borne no fruit.
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Enjoyed the entire presentation but especially the last of the blood poems.
Three things about seppuku poems: (1) you only got one chance, (2) you had to compose in a hurry, and (3) there's no Wite-Out if you make a mistake.
Those Samurai make the boys from Sparta look like inarticulate wimps.
Interesting that they were trained in poetry; they had a saying "Pen and sword in accord." Vikings wrote poems too.
This is really something. Powerful, gorgeous. A+ / *
Thanks. Now let's start a band of samurai!
"The duty of a swordsman is to lift his sword and to die."
What could be simpler.
But get your poem written first.
"Now let's start a band of samuri"? Hm.
How 'bout: "Let's not, and say we did"?
Wait! Here we go: your four poems, instead. (It's what "Fiction" is FOR!)
Funny sidebar: this situation is not unlike writers everywhere, laboring to labor under the "right conditions," to catch that "edge," no? If only ...