by Jack Swenson
I get that way from time to time. Anxious. Edgy. It's something built in. I can't help it. When I get these spells, I sleep poorly, too. I have nightmares. Or I should say I have a nightmare. It's always the same. Someone is after me, a monster, something you can't kill with a bullet and you can't get away from.
Usually but not always when this happens, I'm in bed in the dream, too, and I get tangled in the covers. I struggle to escape, but I am weak, too weak to free myself. One time I dreamed I was in a bar, and the bartender, a former football player with wild, crazy eyes came after me. I pulled a gun and shot him three or four times, and it didn't faze him; it didn't even slow him down.
When I have these nightmares, I thrash around until I wake up, and sometimes I don't wake up until I am on the floor. The time the bartender tried to kill me, I pitched out of bed and hit my face on the nightstand. I got up and walked into the bathroom on bare feet, turned on the light, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a bump on my forehead and a cut on the inside of my mouth. I spat out the blood, got a drink of water, and went back to bed. In the morning my face was Technicolor.
I washed out my mouth with water and patched up a cut on my lip as best I could, put on my robe and slippers and went through the house and into the kitchen. My wife was washing her hands in the kitchen sink. “Oh, my God!” she said when she got a look at my face. “What happened to you?”
I didn't answer. I got a cup of coffee and went into the den and sat down. My wife stood in the doorway and talked to the back of my head. “You really should talk to somebody about this,” she said. Who? I wondered. A shrink? Her pal at the clinic where she works, the doc she shared a room with at the convention in Las Vegas?
“Yes, dear,” I said to the air. I gingerly took a sip of hot coffee.
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Hot off the griddle. Writ at one sitting without a pause. I used the Molly Bond approach and just let it all fly out.
i really like this Jack. I like the way it spills out, which feels perfect for the nature of this piece. BTW: I read it backwards after reading it forwards. It was interesting that way as well. Line by line, starting at the end and ending at the beginning - the backwards read of it adds (IMO) a dream like quality yet it still makes sense...
Nice one. The story comes into play in the very last line. Well done!
Great way to open this piece: "I get that way from time to time. Anxious. Edgy. It's something built in. I can't help it. When I get these spells, I sleep poorly, too. I have nightmares. Or I should say I have a nightmare." A strong pull to the reader. Solid work, Jack.
Well done, Jack. This story pulled me in and held me to the end. The prose is quite tight in this.
Your opening lines create strong momentum. Then it abruptly becomes suspended: why didn't he answer? " . . . she shared a room with at the convention in Las Vegas?" Oh! Very well done.
Thank you, my friends. Frankly, I didn't know what to expect. I was just following Molly Bond's lead here. Molly's like her Ma: great writer, great teacher.
This one is very deep and disturbing in its way. I felt his nightmares as my own, you really pulled me into his dream dilemma. Last para was socko right on
when you hit that nightstand, ouch, I felt it.
Wish I could interpret dreams, this one would sure be something.
Another good story. I, too, felt the pain when he hit his head on the nightstand.