Most discussed stories

Égalité in Equal Measures

21972197 views99 comments99 favs

Guillaume and Marcel rolled the headless body into its own wicker basket and were conferring with Lorbert about the disposition of the bodies and their heads, when Marcel noticed a short fellow with a grim sneer and a measuring rod . . .


991991 views99 comments55 favs

There were ten thousand photographs buried in the bottom of the jar

The Fetishist

10351035 views99 comments77 favs

Sex is a fetish war -- a battle of trinkets of desire


14111411 views99 comments88 favs

In the beginning the revolution was all motion and energy. When the President for Life resigned motion and energy disappeared with the sounds of clapping hands.

Gregory Dates a Witch

12751275 views99 comments44 favs

None of us took it too seriously when Gregory from underwriting said he was dating a real-life witch. Being an underwriter is not as interesting as say being a writer. That's why the greatest underwriter in America, Ajit Jain, gets paid per hour what Jame

The World's Loneliest Girl

15231523 views99 comments88 favs

Turns out it was you. But. You made it into the latest dumping ground in spite of their voted insults. In spite of being told you weren't even going to be around to be danced with. The loneliest girl now looks perfectly trim and trendy to all eyes.…


972972 views99 comments66 favs

It's weird to be here. I wonder if you are here too. You'd probably say oh that was years ago. And you would be right. But I like the things we believed in then. Some of them I still do. You're old I guess. You were so pretty and golden in your…


17011701 views99 comments55 favs

423 days. The old man still possessed the child-like habit of biting his lower lip when he wrote. The thick skin as dry as pork rind. He recorded the days without rain in a spare, makeshift almanac. The pages waxened from the soiled press of his hand

On a Count of the Stars

963963 views99 comments55 favs

The number is very large/ and perpetually changes// as old stars fade, explode,/ or collapse into something not stars


13181318 views99 comments66 favs

The thunder rolled like an old Bob Dylan tour...

Jeanne's Song, 2010

17891789 views99 comments44 favs

I think that I write toward death and to stave off death and to remember the dead and to address what is dead in me.

Winter Blues

15231523 views99 comments66 favs

He told me he could feel an army of tears building up behind his eyes.

Cell Phone

11851185 views99 comments66 favs

Hey, how are you? she squeaked.

Am I Anna Karenina?

19381938 views99 comments33 favs

You’re often photographed at Martha’s Vineyard at sunrise, Key West on New Year’s Day, Coney Island on Christmas, and variously at dive bars in Montauk. You’re a woman of a certain age and you are also a woman of the world. You’re a 21st century

Die Zwischenwelt: The World as It Is and as It Is Not

712712 views99 comments44 favs

These philosophic notions floated in my head for years and eventually helped inspire my pursuit of basic information in contemporary physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and cosmology when I was not reading or writing fiction or verse.


12021202 views99 comments88 favs

When the sun was above the treeline, and the hunter returned to the cabin, they were ready for him.

Divorcing Delia

11711171 views99 comments66 favs

I held her hand through two divorces, I warned her that gorgeous Geoffrey was homosexual when she was oblivious, and I fed her children when she was off at rehab (four times before it 'took').

Drunken Terrorists Act

735735 views99 comments44 favs

They asked each other at Court-suggested AA meetings: What can Texas do but throw us in jails already packed with low-life scum?

The River

440440 views99 comments55 favs

The sinuous river of your childhood. Do you remember how it slid between your young legs before winding away, making its lively and bubbly sounds. You would have made it light-headed with your games and screams. When you lingered late in the afternoon after school, and you…

Those (Beckoning) Lights

15531553 views99 comments1111 favs

The understanding we made was neatly wrapped up in its own blue tissue cocoon like a neatly rolled joint and dumped unceremoniously into the forgotten past like a plate of leftover digitized lies. The lid was slammed shut. Time passes too tightly. And you …


10671067 views99 comments1111 favs

The brain taints everything it brings to us/ with its limited apparatus, its precepts,// all the things it thinks it knows.

Whatever Happens

18431843 views99 comments1010 favs

When Matthew calls I'm sautéing garlic for the polenta and Joe is squeezing buttercream rosettes from a Ziploc bag onto a spice cake he made from scratch. Or trying to—we…

Revisionist History

682682 views99 comments66 favs

A break from bleak world history and events...

A Leaf For Instance is Only a Green Enough Calling Card(A Valentine)for Someone if You Care to Mail It

11751175 views99 comments44 favs

Because you alone must know how to make a smile shine at me and be like the sun, I can only feel its warm and coolish colors becoming that perfectly deepened yellow then on to the red if you please that makes a shy kind of blue out of day. That…

The Sugar-Free Scent of Today

15491549 views99 comments77 favs

Should have washed our hands, we thought after, licking sugar-spit and dirt.

Salt Water

10581058 views99 comments66 favs

A horizon shrinks a burden until it’s a seagull getting fat off vinegar fries. I’m in love with the way your mouth moves when you aren’t talking. When it fills with salt.


12851285 views99 comments99 favs

“Have you ever thought what stars are made of?” “No,” he said. The man nodded seriously. “I hadn’t either. Not until I met the Star Catcher. He told me all the stars in the universe are actually coins. Coins! Big coins. Small coins. Different colors

This Is Who I Am

13471347 views99 comments99 favs

I'm not interested in her that way.

Just Yesterday

694694 views99 comments66 favs

midnight mooring

Fruit and Vegetable

15551555 views99 comments44 favs

I walk into the fruit and vegetable market and she sees me right away. I've been trying to avoid her and have been successful for more than three weeks. The break-up was not a good one. I still have a scar over my left eye where the glass ashtray hit me.