by Steven Gowin
If you wear camo, I'm talking to you.
You're on a 5 gallon plastic bucket
fishing the lagoon wearing desert camo.
I'm talkin' to you.
What you catching?
Got me a 50 pound bat ray.
How do you know it was 50 pounds?
I said it was 50; that's how.
I see you out on the slough on a 5 gallon bucket
fishing in orange camo.
I'm talkin' to you.
What you doing?
Just fishin'
Game wardens bother you out here?
You a game warden?
There you go.
You wear camo, I'm talking to you.
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I'm an atheist, I suppose, but lately I've been fascinated by internet searches on what the bible would say. What would the bible say about nudism, or pot smoking? Here's what the bible says about camouflage:
Do not lie to one another,
since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him
Col 3:9-10
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fucking brilliant
love the author's note, too
fave. I really like this, Steven.
Thanks for the faves and comments everyone!
Another smile! And fabu accompanying note. Though I kept on thinking we'd get into war camo. Peace *
Haha! Good one. In your face, but not without a bit of playfulness. Camo is di rigueur in my neck of the woods. Almost required for admittance to the local diner during deer season. You can even buy camo furniture in catalogues. (shudder) *
Form and repetition work so well, exchanges are spot on. Enjoyed, thanks.
Well done, concise, and snappy. Overall excellent and an enjoyable read, Steven.