1295 2 0
"James, can you take a peek at problem://7ac5e46f today?"
"It's just another big dumb object. Seems low priority."
"Escalated by the directorate."
867 4 4
I think I know these pigeons
They were once beggars
From another life
Once I myself was stuck like them
I was never
Without the thought of food
Or sex, or sipping soda pop
Off the sidewalk
And flying meant next to nothing
But then
594 4 3
in the chicken house
this morning. The second
one this week. I carry the stiff hen
out to the back pasture
842 4 4
only after
you slipped away entirely
1070 9 7
“I fly in my dreams,” his mother said. “It's my privilege.”
1149 6 4
you tell
a stranger's story...
1267 1 0
I lie on the floor of the hut and for some reason I start to think about the Harvest Days carnival and that game where you have to toss a dime in a dish to win a stuffed animal. Next thing you know I’m a little tiny guy in there in that world of plates
1060 3 3
. . . we agree that formal standards for identifying literary merit exist and are capable of being discerned, not merely of being ascribed. —but is this itself true?
788 0 0
964 1 1
{ a Triolet }A smile, a wave as I stepped out Into another life altogether ‘Twas little enough to talk about A smile, a wave as I stepped out And O' how after they did shout (Yet now we only talk of weather) A smile, a wave as I stepped out Into another life…
1162 4 0
1076 0 0
Billy liked dinosaurs. He played dinosaurs, collected dinosaur toys, drew pictures of dinosaurs, great shambling beasts of tooth and claw, whose passing shook the jungles and whose drooling jaws devoured figures not unlike his sisters. For birthdays and
1635 1 2
She can tell you seven things she doesn’t love about her face.
1032 0 0
the strength in you i envy/ leaves me naked, sweating in the dust/ while you possess what ethic i pretend to have/ in the face of those who expect from me/ so much more.
741 0 0
This girl had burn scars on her body which hurt a little, to be touched, so we had to be real careful, gentle. I turned her over slowly so as not to shatter her. She wanted to be fucked, badly. But only one time. It was enough to be handled again like bef
2719 0 0
He told me to count backwards from 10. I was out by 8. He was now in complete control of my life – what a helpless situation.
2526 30 15
We met because I hate the actor Bruce Willis.
1160 3 2
The man was older and had never found a wife. Years of accumulated pain had short-circuited his instincts so that the first time he met the woman, he doubted her. Each time he spoke to her, he felt himself responding, but he wouldn't allow himself to plea
1038 4 2
My boyfriend had to work but had gotten a turkey for free and thought I could make it for everyone for Christmas Eve dinner. I had never made a turkey before, and not much of anything else. Now if my sister had been there, it might have been a meal of cul
665 2 0
Papa was fucking the artist’s wife, Lillian, and the artist knew it but was afraid to say anything and she had broad, muscular brown arms and loved the sun on the sea and also she was just as athletic as the great writer and caught the big fish right alon
2731 24 22
Rerunning, now it's published.
1171 5 2
If there was another way to describe emptiness, I'd word the endlessness of the sky, of the ocean at low tide.
1002 0 0
It’s just another
Day where I feel tired, but I
Don’t know why it’s so.
930 3 1
The damaged sky is not more black than your hair,
Ashen tonight and floating over the land in blackened
Smoke, where the furrows run with milk light
Or snow, blue and white, and the world-ash floats.
Your patient body sleeps and the white pain
1466 0 0
952 0 1
My father did not die before I was born. That much I can cite as not only fact but an absolute necessity to my existence. However, my father is dead. You can wrap as much sentiment and emotion around it as you wish, but you can't get away from the blunt…
1486 7 5
Every time I squished an ant with my finger, I felt a piece of me loosen and chisel off.
932 1 1
I don't have the feelings of self-worth a young woman should have, Monica Lewinsky tells the nation. She seems to understand there will always be some amount of ice beneath her.
1800 28 12
1117 8 5
He hid gallons in the garage,Fifths in the basement,Pints in toilet tanks,Airline bottles were on his person at all times.But he wasn't drinking.Why would he?He'd bought the cure at an expensive CenterThat taught him YogaAnd acupunctured away his brokenness.The cure worked,…