936 3 1
Well, Bainz' dad didn't kill us for stealing his bomb because one of the drug addicts at my house was a cop. At least he said he was a cop, or knew a cop, or had something to do with the cops. I don't know for sure. I know he didn't look like a cop, at least he …
744 2 1
These people, what is it with them? Is this who we’ve become?
They left their great need behind when they were taken out of the country. They seem to live without thought of that blood. They do not respond to anything that calls to it. They seem sha
1275 0 0
August 14
I remember the smell of fresh air. The feeling of clean air in your lungs. I haven't had that feeling in quite some time now. I guess few people have.
985 0 0
When I was alive with you inside me, I discovered briefly and finally how to fly. Up near your ceiling as I floated around the universe with widening eyes, like a butterfly, like a god, like a bird with golden hair at my neck, like a speckled moth infla
1606 1 1
I hear the car door slam. Steve, about to duck daddy-duty: Just gonna take a run to the Quickway. "Rudy," I say, "go get in the car. Tell Papo I said Wait."
1449 10 8
On the bus Jenna looked out the window at the bleak fuckscape.
216 6 3
973 2 1
“Good to see you, old man,” Greg said. He was like that, an investment banker, a latter-day Tom Buchanan without the polo ponies, self-consciously fusty.
1392 9 9
Andalusia I. partners in sunset the hawk and I in ballet ..............................he:..........the small flame in the wind ..............................I:............the last tremor of grace the…
1527 0 1
Andrew didn’t need oil and neither did his mother. In fact, the only reason oil was on his mother’s mind was because it was the last thing on her mind. He did not get up to get it, and she did not protest.
1211 2 1
I wonder if regular nonfashion clothes are out forever, if these kids will ever dress normally like, you know, Phil Donahue, again.
1151 4 2
they tried to trick the sun
610 4 0
When bees die they die
with their wings straight out
They die of natural causes
and their tiny bodies are bent
as though landing on
a flower
Their wings seem
too big for them
and they lie scattered
about the floor, tilted
in dead p
1555 9 7
I never looked at her face.
1203 9 3
Remembering his body makes me think of Egyptian cotton sheets dried in the sun. He smelled crisp and clean even after sweating hard. His hair fell in golden spirals down his cheeks, his back, over his forehead, and captured light just like the gilded halos on…
802 4 4
1455 1 1
Not everybody sees Father. Not Mom, not Dad, not even my little brother, Andre, and he see lots of things. Me, I need to.
1004 0 0
It was then an angel was sent to provide assistance and guidance. After the first time, with the radio show, the woman could almost feel her presence. When she did not know what to do, or needed help or to encourage others, when her own will and words wer
1450 5 3
Chapter One In the Woods Everett Finn liked white-bread sandwiches. In June, Flora forfeited all her free cafeteria lunches to sit with him during his quiet lunch breaks in the classroom. "Eleven more days until graduation," she told him. He sat…
1181 1 2
You gave me everything, delivered with a hungry mouth. Tease.All taken away, erasedby a few words.Lips that poured forth and lips that took insharp, electric pleasures.Now withdrawn, thin, petulant.Not satisfied,you crushed my sanctuary.with so…
1052 5 3
Well, now it has fallen away some
but I felt better about it when it was raging
881 9 3
How many extinctions can we claim?/
Is someone keeping score?/
Somebody needs to keep the score
1102 6 3
“I guess I'm enchanted,” I'd written on another occasion.
“Then why don't you ride out here and save me? Is your horse lame or something? Maybe you could just kill me and make us both happy.”
2385 14 11
“When he felt most loved, he felt most _ burdened.” Stephen Dobyns When she loved him she burdened him. She knew he felt a pull but he always resisted it. They went to an old refurbished hotel in Venice and asked if they might see the rooms. …
1400 2 0
Crazy. I really hate when people use that word.
2079 3 2
Things have happened.
It’s a given. What, are you crazy? Of course things have happened. It’s the world, for Christ’s sake. Things are happening. I am consistently missing most, if not all, of them.
882 3 3
two pairs of arms and legs
1216 10 10
I take her to the zoo, and the tigers get out. The little tigers, I mean. Cubs. Two of them.
1408 0 0
1586 0 0
“Why have you not voted Mindeo”, Tidi squeaked. “Because there is a third way. If we stay only here, we will eventually be driven out. To attack the erect worms to extend our…