by Jake Barnes
I take her to the zoo, and the tigers get out. The little tigers, I mean. Cubs. Two of them. The zoo employees are scurrying about, peeking into locked closets, checking purses, making visitors empty their pockets.
Where could they be? Lost? Stolen? Call the cops. Check lost and found.
Meanwhile we wander around. We peer over the rails at the gorillas. “The go-rillas,” I pronounce it. She's too young to remember. We watch the keepers feeding the lions. Raw meat. The ones who get fed first eat; the others roar in indignation.
My friend thinks the polar bears are cute, the baboons yukky. We both like the elephants. I ask her if she has ever ridden an elephant. She says no, and I say, “Neither have I.”
Later on we get into an argument about politics, and there go my plans for the evening. She is a Republican, and I am a Democrat. I say something snide about Sarah Palin. She takes umbrage.
She cheers up when we get to the field where they keep the giraffes. She adores giraffes, she says. I hate giraffes, but I don't tell her that. So ungainly. Misshapen, really. I look at my watch; almost closing time. We walk toward the exit.
A zoo employee is standing near the gate. She is showing the tiger kittens to a woman and two small children. Found them in one of the out buildings under a pile of hay. We stand there gawking at the little beasts. They are fizzing with energy. Feral, wide-eyed. The air crackles with their vitality. The air smells like ozone.
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Love the monkey island, too. It reminds me of Congress.
The cats always take the starring role in your stories!
The zoo is a revealing place. Enjoyed this, jb
We adore baby predators. And name our sports teams for the adults. We are hopelessly fucked.
Enjoyed this.
I really enjoy these sentences, the way you're writing, and of course the story as well. Good job.
There's something really well placed in that subtle way that works best about the small lies we tell maybe just when people are getting to know each other that is just dead-on for me. Really great.
"Meanwhile we wander around. We peer over the rails at the gorillas. 'The go-rillas,' I pronounce it. She's too young to remember. We watch the keepers feeding the lions. Raw meat. The ones who get fed first eat; the others roar in indignation."
Enjoyed this piece, Jake. Just the right punch to the writing.
It's a joy to read an author like you who understands what an ending is supposed to do.
Economical with nice characterization and detail. Oh, yeah, it's entertaining too. *
I like all the choices you've made here. I happen to be a fan of giraffes, but that's a small thing and I forgive you. The last paragraph is stunning. Fave.
Well-crafted. I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in both the beginning and ending of a relationship.*
Wonderful. My favorite part is "Later on we get into an argument about politics, and there go my plans for the evening."