1451 6 3
I can tell you all about rock bottom.
1640 23 19
Alice writes three different versions of the letter. The last one is the most tempered, the most like her, but still it is such an unlike-her thing to do. The couple who lives above her has been disrupting her sleep nearly every night for the past three weeks. The woman's…
1094 21 11
She connects to you
via snarling vines
& worm-woven tunnels.
Drops Roman numerals
1056 2 2
1. Having made Alice from one of the Mad Hatter's ribs, Humpty Dumpty told her she could do anything, except speak. “How bothersome!” she said.2. In the church, Alice was horrified to be presented with a talking lamb. “EAT ME!” it bleated and, as the…
1976 20 12
I'm Alice invading the garden,
looking for souls among cards
1178 8 4
She loves you when your words leave her dirty, semi-transparent, at times, overexposed.
1410 13 8
The human/
is less dependable than these pinpricks//
and the lunar cycle.
550 4 2
Imagine this: One day you are walking down the street (wearing your protective mask, of course, the cloth one you bought the other day because you liked the color and design) when, by chance, you happen upon a strange sight.
1138 5 4
Been looking for guns.
His guns have turned up missing.
He’s been looking for the guns.
Looking for guns.
The au-pair must’ve snuck back in
And took the guns.
And the baby.
The baby must be crawling off with
Guns again.
1481 15 11
Stupidity is not a mask; it is the face / and it is the face that betrays us / always.
440 7 3
Sometimes you want to strike out at me. What is stopping you? There is no stopping you. You know I will not retaliate. Gone is all that I will be to you then.
1437 29 16
a world of probability against plague
1182 6 5
I know she's a dog person, as she owns one.
“No, my asshole ex-boyfriend wanted one and then he left me with it.” she admits, then adds,
“I don't even like dogs. All dogs are needy.”
924 8 4
This soil is bereft, with only mocking water
below, so catacombed in chalk.
1254 4 0
it seemed odd
from even the
first few seconds.
1197 10 9
He just up and dropped dead one day, Charles said. Pretty tough on Karen, I opined. Charles looked the other way.
1543 0 1
I wonder how much time she has left. I think she’s seventeen. I don’t know for sure because she was already grown when I got her from the pound, just before Christmas, years ago this was --back when I had hair and hope.
957 2 2
Momma wakes us up early while Daddy's still asleep, pulls out white poster boards, markers from the closet, and together, we draw babies...
2130 13 9
1178 10 12
All the things that are his.
1374 6 4
There were days in my youth when, through no fault of their own, my parents could not drive me the seven mile trip to my elementary school. When I got older they bought me a bike and that proved duly adequate as conveyance. But when I was six years in age
631 5 3
Achilles wasn't brave but demigod and 98% immune. Was Thetis stupid to leave the heel un-wet or was she just another blythe immortal, caught up in the moment, ill-preparedby birth to follow through the consequential path from Illium to underworld?So much for goddesses and…
1159 5 2
All is Ready I have bathed in patchouli oil and my hair gleams, lustrous with brushing. I am wearing my gold ankle bracelets with the ruby charms that my love gave me when we had been married one year. My robe is fuschia silk and under it I wear…
2263 23 20
I have bathed in patchouli oil and my heavy hair is lustrous from brushing. I am wearing my gold ankle bracelets with the ruby charms that my love gave me when we had been married one year. My robe is fuchsia silk and under it I wear black satin…
1358 7 6
They broke both of Jimmy's shins. / Gambling debt just like in the movies
1107 2 2
Or, do my own red flags counter balance his. My back and forth, my restlessness, my one foot out the door, my ‘once a leaver… always a leaver’, my pitter patter for a former flame... peppered with my transgressions, my mistakes. Or, worse, the way I have
658 0 0
Look at this contradictory neon night.
1304 9 9
They sat before the fire and played cribbage. He was a good player, but not as good as she was.
593 1 0
I once knew a guy named Ian from Manhattan
Who liked looking at New Yorker fey cartoons.
1265 1 0
1. Lamia I slapped the venomous dream from his mouth before he could spit in my eyes; fuck him and his rage, fucking Tonton Macoute or whatever he was--and I got the hell out and away from that house and the fires that raged on all floors, and I fled…